Chapter 76:

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Picture of Tigress above😂


I clutch Jake's phone tightly in my hands and I know its going to break if I keep on clutching it tighter. I cannot believe he lied to me again. All that show he put on after saving my life and the day we spent the night together in here doing the English project where he confessed were also a damn lie! He did this to me! I should have known! With his gang involved, he is obviously involved. He was just pretending to help me but he wanted me to find out this way! So that it will hurt me and it does. My heart aches so bad and I begin to have a slight headache from thinking so much. How could I be so blind? He was literally playing with me all along! Everything was superfluous! He wasn't genuine! I hate him!

"There is nothing right?" He asks with a smirk and I know he is mocking me but I don't speak. I just do what my brain commands me to do. With one swift motion, I slapped him harder this time around and he is stunned.

"You filthy liar!!!" I yell at him.

Then, I bolt for the front door and he calls me but I do not stop. I left Aaron behind but that puppy belongs to him and he should keep his bloody birthday gift. It was all an act! And I lost my best friend in the process. I lost everything!

I get to the parking lot and he is still following me pleading with me.
"Just shut up! I don't wanna hear your crappy lies anymore you piece of trash! Just go away" I yell at him and enter my car. It's snowing lightly and I'm glad I'm in something warm.  I thought we were over with this fighting thing but I was wrong. He always does something that will make us fight.

He knocks desperately on the window and I don't mind. I was so furious that I nearly dropped the car keys but then I managed to slot it into the ignition
"This is absurd Nikki" he yells behind hitting my window harder and I drive off in a huff.
I look at the rear view mirror and he stands there yelling my name and ruffling his hair at the same time as the snow settled on him.

I turn on my radio and listen to songs.  I don't  wanna hear his shouts. My head is aching so bad and I feel like I'm dying slowly. I have a feeling, Tigress told Kate to convince Jake to do this! I'm sure of it. I hit the steering wheel of my car so hard and I don't care if I wound myself. I just listen to the song playing and increase the volume. I'm driving at top speed. The engine roars as I press on the accelerator even more. Maybe I should just go to the airport and fly to  Georgia where no one will find me. I'll go to my grandma's old house. I think it wasn't sold and even if it is sold, I'll just sleep in a hotel.
But before I execute that plan, lemme say goodbye to Aaron first.


It is still snowing lightly when I arrive at the cemetery. A few people were around. I parked and got down holding a bouquet of white flowers I bought at a floral shop on my way here. I sniffed and trudged towards Aaron's grave. My heart is clouded with sorrow as I draw near the grave with tears trickling down my face.

"Hi Aaron" I say trying to smile but my facial muscles are so tight that I cannot even smile. I end up sobbing again.

"I' sorry Aaron" I state whiles sobbing. "I should have at least tried to return your love"
The grave just stares back at me with Aaron Smith carved on it with the year he was born till the year he died. I just wish he could talk back and tell me its alright.

"I should have chosen you! You were the right person! The right boyfriend but no......(sob) I followed my heart and I lost everything"

The tears stream down my face and I can't help but feel the piercing pain in my heart. I feel so dejected. So lost. So lonely.
"I came ......" I trail off as I wipe my tears.
"I came to say Goodbye. I might travel. I'm still thinking about it. I've got some money in my account and I might leave today or tomorrow"

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