Chapter 53:

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It begins to drizzle when I arrive at Jake's apartment. I'm not happy for taking this decision but I had no choice.

I went to where his room was situated and knocked lightly on the door glancing at the time on my phone. Its 6:57pm. My parents have been calling but I ignore them.
Jake opens the door and is astonished to see me.

"Its a long time you actually came to my apartment" he spits with a smirk.
"Can I come in?" I ask looking at his outfit for the first time. He was wearing a simple grey hoodie which matched the colour of his eyes and a pair of white shorts.

"Yeah you can but wait!" He says
"Cody! Caden! Can you please put your pants on! There is a female in the building" he hollers and I giggle.

"Man! Did you get us some girls?" Cody asks excited.
"No! Now put your pants on!" Jake spat
"Who is the chick?" Caden's husky voice demands.
"Its Nicole" Jake answers and the place is silent.

"Why did they remove their pants?" I ask Jake
"Oh it was just a dare." Jake says with a shrug and I chuckle.

"You can come in now" Jake says and ushers me inside. The place is in a mess a bit but I spot three gamepads and I know they were playing games. Cody and Caden were clad in blue t shirts and black jeans. They're raven black hair is tousled and their amber eyes shimmer in the light.

"What is she doing here?" Caden demands
"I'm about to find out but I can guess" Jake says with a smug look.
I wondered why these boys were here. Maybe they were sleeping over for tonight? Specifically, boys sleepover

"I actually came here to see Jake. I wanted to tell him my decision about you Cody but since you are here, there is no need" I say with a small smile.

"Is it your sister?" Cody asks and I nod
"Jake told me!" He admits and I smile.

"I might be able to help!" Cody says
"Please do! We haven't found her yet" I spill and Cody nods grabbing his laptop.

Caden eyes me suspiciously but I give him a smile. Cody and Caden are so identical! The only difference is, Cody is a bit lean and Caden has muscles and he's broad. Not too broad but a little bit. They both have sharp jaws but Caden's own is sharper and I swear it can cut an apple into two equal halves!

"Can you give me Trina's phone number please?" Cody asks and I give it to him.
"I'll get you some water" Jake offers and I nod. My throat was dry.
I sit in the couch waiting anxiously as Cody types furiously on his laptop whiles Caden read a book.

"So who is the eldest amongst you two?" I blurt without thinking. I just wanted something to talk about so that I wouldn't feel so anxious.

The two of them glare at me with their amber eyes as if I've gone nuts. Caden's glare was the hardest. I swallow hard. It wasn't a weird question? Was it?

Cody clears his throat noisily and goes back to typing.
"I am the eldest" Caden spits and I'm astounded.
"That means you came out before him right?" I ask and he nods going back to his book.

"So do you have other siblings?" I add.
"Here you go" Jake says unexpectedly and hands me a glass of water. I thank him and gulp it.

"We don't!" Cody and Caden answer simultaneously and I spit my water out. Now that was weird!

"Guys! I told you to stop doing that!" Jake scolds.
Caden shrugs and Cody gives me an apologetic smile.

Caden gets up and infiltrates into the kitchen.
"So were you guys having a sleepover?" I ask Cody and Jake.

"Its kind of like that but every Friday night, Cody and Caden come here to play games with me" Jake elaborates.

Caden comes back with a bottle of Redd's wicked apple. He gulps it and lies down in the couch reading his book. I squint to look at the title but I can't see it.

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