Chapter 84:

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Nicole POV

Jake alights from the car and walks towards Aurora and Caden who are having the time of their lives right now.  I follow suit and Alec gets down too. I want to see how Caden would react if he finds out we just caught he and Aurora having a romantic picnic.

"Hey there lovebirds" I call out and they stiffen on the grass. Caden turns to look at me. He looks like he had just pissed in his pants. Aurora looked indifferent. I just smirk at them.

"Awwwm! What a romantic posture! Can I take a picture please?" Alec mocks and I bite my bottom lip to prevent me from laughing. Caden was hovering on top of Aurora with her lying on the grass. Her blue hair sprawled every which way

"Or maybe you should mind your own business?" Caden replies to Alec's comment cheekily and gets up.  Aurora too follows suit and they walk towards us. Alec just chuckles slightly.

"What do you want? Can't you see we are having a picnic?" Caden spits venomously when he reaches us.

"We actually came for our puppy Caden! Don't be so rude" Jake spoke up. Aurora walks towards us with Aaron in her arms. She hands him to me and I smile. I missed him so much.

"Thanks Aurora" I tell her gratefully with a small smile and she returns it.
"Now you have your puppy! Get lost" Caden drawls angrily. I'm sure he was having a great time until we interrupted it and that has made him livid towards us. I just chuckle.

"Tell me Caden! Were you having a romantic picnic?" Alec asks just to spite him and I can't help but laugh when I see Caden give him a heated glare.

"Come on Caden! Tell them! There is no need to hide it" Aurora urges and places her chin on his broad shoulders. He sighs deeply.

"Yes it was a romantic picnic! Now go away!!" Caden says and we all gasp. It was obvious but we were astonished to hear it from his mouth.

"Oh so you guys were secretly dating huh?" Jake  mocks rubbing his chin. Caden huffs.
"Stop the interrogation and just go!" He yells at us. What a temper!
"Yes we were dating" Aurora says and a grin spreads on my face.

"Now you know! Go!" Caden repeats
"This is great Caden! I thought you would never fall in love" Alec cuts in and Caden glowers at him. I cracked up. Alec was such a provoker! He just wants to stir Caden up.

"And I heard Cody has a soulmate now" Jake adds up.
Caden just gives him a death glare and goes back to sit on the grass without answering Jake's question.
"How did you attract such a rock hearted creature Aurora?" Alec asks . Jake and I snicker.

"I don't know how! But we just fell in love" she tells us.
"Awwwm" I coo.
"How do you put up with him? He is always grumpy" Jake asks with a slight chuckle.

"When I'm with him, he is sweet and nice!"
"Mmm.....I would love to see that side of Caden" Alec coos.
Aurora chuckles.
"Aurora! Would you come here?" I hear Caden roar.
"Coming!!!" She hollers back.

"You guys need to go before he shoves pumpkin balls up your asses" she warns and we chuckle as she wards us away. 
We enter the car and drive off.
"Caden and Aurora" Alec says
"Cody and Claire" I add with a chuckle.
"Madison and Alec" Jake says
"Kimberly and Troy"Alec says
" Danny and Jenna"I say
"Melissa and —" Jake trails off.
"You and I " I tell Jake with a smile and he pecks my cheek.

"Enough okay? You're making me jealous here" Alec spits at the back and I chuckle.

It is still freezing outside when we get to Jake's apartment and we all headed inside to pack our stuff. My phone rings distracting me. My mom's name registered on the caller ID. Today is Trina's  birthday! How could I forget? 20th December! I wish l could celebrate it with her! Her fifteenth birthday! I sigh and place my phone back in my clutch.

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