A Fresh Start

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We were walking back to Merrick's base when he got an alert from his walkie-talkie and said that he was alright and that I was injured and he was bringing me back to base. The man on the other side of the walkie-talkie did not sound happy with Merrick's answer then Merrick replied but "she's just a kid, what harm will be done Keegan. She's injured". Keegan agreed that I was allowed to come to the base and get medical attention. I was happy for that, but was scared to meet this man named Keegan.  

We arrive at the base and Merrick calls two medical personnel to help me with my ankle. They take me into the med bay, then move me into a room. I was asked who I was, where I was from and all the normal questions you get when you see a doctor. They confirmed that I had a Maisonneuve Fracture or a high ankle sprain. They wrapped my foot and gave boot to wear, gave me some pain killers and antibiotics and called Merrick to come and get me. 

I wait in the room for Merrick to come and get me, then someone knocks on the door "Come in" I say. Merrick walks in and i say "Hey, Merrick" "Hey Kid, you ready? " Merrick says "Yea, lets go" I say. We exit the room and we begin to walk down one hallway then another and another, I started to wonder where we where going but I didn't ask. We made our way to a hallway filled with offices and we walk into one with a man sitting at his desk. "Hey Elias" says Merrick " Ah you must be Mia right?" says Elias "Yes sir" "Have a seat will you" I was nervous and I think Merrick could see it so he put his hand on my shoulder and said "Your not in trouble kid he just needs to talk to you" "Ok" I say as I sit in the chair front of Elias' desk. Merrick leaves and Elias starts to ask questions on how I got here, where I was from, and how old I was. I told him everything that happened and how I got here and he seamed impressed. 

"So your telling me you lived on your own for the past year by yourself?" Elias asked. "Yes sir" I replied, " I have good news and bad news Mia " Elias said "And what is the news sir ?" I said with my voice shaking a little. " Its about your parents........" Elias trailed off but continued " I'm sorry Mia, they gone. They were reported dead in Portland, Oregon at 0700 I'm sorry" I didn't know what to say but I felt tears to form in my eyes and I began to cry. Elias stood up from his chair and walked toward me and gestured a hug and I ran into his arms and cried even more. I hugged Elias tighter than I have ever hugged anybody, he hugged he back I could feel he had been through something like this before, but I didn't care at the moment all I needed was someone to hug me.

Once I began to calm down, "Thank you" I said in between sobs. I released from the hug and sat back down in the chair I had sat in before, and Elias returned to his seat. "But, there is some good news Mia, you will be staying here and being supervised by Me, Merrick, and Keagan..... if that's what you want." he said. I didn't know what to say its like I couldn't speak but then I was able to say "That would be great sir" "Alright, so I will walk you to your room you will be on the same hall as Me, Merrick, and Keegan. If you need anything you can come to us alright. I understand if you need space or time." Elias says I didn't know what else to say so i just nodded and we began to walk and Elias took me to my room and said "Here you are, Merrick's room is  right across the hall if you need anything" "Thank you I'm fine for now, I would just like to be alone" I say as I walk in to my room it was simple and small but it was fine, better than sleeping in trees. "I'll leave you to it then" says Elias and then walks away.

I go to the door shut it and walk over to my bed and grab my pillow and hug it tight. I lie down and begin to cry, I cried for who knows how long and then I fall asleep. 

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