Old Missions

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Logan's POV......

We make it back to base and once I get off the HELO I start to run to the med-bay but I was stopped by someone grabbing my arm, it was my father. 

"Logan, she is gonna be ok she is a fighter" Dad says

"How do you know, dad she was covered in dirt and rocks for over an hour. And probably didn't have oxygen" I say 

Logan I'm just as worried as you but we have to let the doctors and nurses do their job, ok. Look come back to my office I need to show you something." Day says

I look at the med-bay to see Merrick pacing back and forth, then he gets stopped by one of the nurses and runs one of the rooms. I want to know what happened but its not my place, Merrick should be with her. Not me. 

I hope she is ok  I think 

"Ok, lets go then" I say and my father nods and we walk to his office. We make it to his office and we walk in and he goes behind his desk.

"Sit" He says

I sit and he slides a file across the table "What is this?" I ask 

"Its Mia's file, I need you to look at it so you can see what I'm talking about" Dad says

Mia's file

Name: Mia Scott

Nationality: American

Birth: Portland, Oregon, 2003

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 120 lbs

Marks: Moon tattoo behind right ear, and bullet wound scar on abdomen

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Heterochromia, blue and green

Race: Caucasian

Relatives: Marissa Scott (Mother, deceased), Russel Scott (Farther, deceased), Thomas Merrick (Adoptive father) 

She lost both her parents I thought I was hard for me when mom died but I had dad, I can't imagine how hard that was for her  I thought.

Her files have all her missions and what she did on them. One mission in particular grabs my attention. It was Mia's first mission, Her and Keegan were on a recon mission in Cheyenne Wyoming because the Ghosts couldn't get hold of the base for days. When they had arrived the federation was holding the base captive. Mia knew it was only a recon mission but they had US solders in there and were likely getting killed, so Mia convinced Keegan to take the base back. And they were successful, but Mia was severely injured. She got shot 5 times and was beaten up by two feds, but she held her own. especially after getting shot 5 times. She had save more than 200 lives that day.

 I close the files and hand them back to my dad. He takes them and just looks at them for a second not even opening them. 

"She is one of the bravest solders I have ever fought with. She is brave, witty, strong, and selfless. She would sacrifice herself to protect one of us, she has before that's how she got that bullet wound scar. We were on a mission in Brazil, we got info that the Federation leader was there so we went to investigate, but we were ambushed. I was helping Keegan barricade the door, and my back was turned. She jumped in font of me so I wouldn't get shot by a fed we thought was dead, I owe her my life." My dad says putting the files away. He gets a call on his walkie-talkie, its Merrick.

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