The Ghost Killer

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We fight our way though the train station and make it onto the  train Rorke was on.

"Merrick we're on the train, we're going after Rorke" Hesh says into coms 

"Solid copy, you guys be safe" Merrick says

"We will Merrick" I say into coms 

We make our way into a room with two federation solders

Logan stabs a Federation Soldier. Another Federation soldier can be seen on a television screen.

"El Protocolo de Evacuación C está vigente. Todo el personal asegura la carga y los suministros (Evacuation Protocol C is in effect. All personnel secure cargo and supplies.)" A fed solder says

I knocks out the other Federation Soldier.

"Tell Rorke we're coming for him." Hesh says talking to the screen

Rorke appears on the screen, Oh he makes me mad

 "Why don't you just tell me yourself." Rorke says 

 "You're done, Rorke" I say smashing the screen "Let's finish this" I say

Hesh opens the train's side door. I see a rod hitting the Federation forces.

"Looks like Icarus got control of the rods. All that's left is Rorke. Let's go" Hesh says

We run along the side of the train.

"Rorke must be at the front of the train." Hesh says 

We encounter some fed soldiers.

"Contact! They're moving onto the cargo" Logan says 

There are 20 or so fed solders ahead of us

"Sniper, twelve o'clock" Hesh say

I see the smiper and hit him strait in the forehead 

We clear the feds and move to the top of the train. We engage more feds as an explosion rocks the train.

"Shit! That was close! Take cover in the cargo" I says ducking behind a crate.

"This way" Hesh says as he pushed a bridge down so we can get to the other side

We clear the feds and move back onto the top of the train.

"We'll get to Rorke faster on the rooftops. Jump to the roof" Logan says 

We jump of to a higher part of the top of the train.

"Incoming" Hesh says as a missile hits the train

"Shit" I say as the train tilts and slip almost falling of the train

"Mia" Logan screams as he grabs my hand and pulling me up

"Thanks" I say 

"Anytime" Logan says kissing me on my forehead 

"No time for kissing you two, love bird" Hesh says

I roll my eyes 

Some helicopters fly in and start shooting at us. Me and Logan duck behind some of the cargo

 "We got to take out the gunners" I say 

I focus my fire on the pilot wile the boys focos their fire on the gunners.I shot the pilot in the head causeing the HELO to crash 

"Nice shot Mia" Hesh says 

Logan and I take out the last helicopter, while Hesh moves ahead.

"HELOs down. Let's go" I say to Logan

The helicopter crashes into the train coupling, detaching it.

 "Get down! Move it! The car's compromised" Hesh says 

We jump to the next train car. Feds climb up from the sides.

 "They're roping up the sides" I say shooting one

As we engage the feds one shots me in my arm

"Fuck" I say as I duck behind a big pole

"Mia are you ok" Hesh asks 

"Yeah I'm fine it just grazed me" I lied 

"We gotta keep moving" Hesh says offering me a hand and I take it 

We move forward, engaging more feds.The train enters a tunnel and we clear out the feds.

 "Clear, let's get this bastard, get to the engine! Rorke's pinned. He knows we're coming!" I say

We jump down to a door.

"Merrick, do you copy?" I asks into coms 

"Copy, Mia" Merrick says 

"We're moving in on Rorke. If you hear the word "Checkmate", you will fire on our position. Confirm" I say

 "Say again, repeat your last..." Merrick began to say before I interrupt him

"You heard me, Merrick on 'checkmate' hit this train" I say

We prepare to breach the door into the engine room.

"We can't take any chances guys. Even if we fail, Rorke dies. Okay. Three, two, one..." Hesh says looking at me and Logan

Logan kicks the door open and me and Hesh kill the feds inside. An fed soldier appears with an RPG-7  and tries to fire, but Logan kills him, causing the rocket to hit the engine.

"Engines hit! Hold on" Hesh says

Logan, Hesh, and me slide to the control room. I slides right into Rorke, grabbing his 44 magnum and using it to kill the fed soldiers. But Rorke headbutts me and grabs my wounded . He then puts me in a choke hold while pointing his gun at Hesh. While one of his surviving solders points his gun at Logan.

"Drop it, Now" Rorke says to Hesh, he was talking about his gun.

Hesh tries to shoot at Rorke but his gun was empty. Rorke points his gun at Hesh.

"You can't win, Rorke. It's over." Hesh says 

Rorke shoots Hesh in the stomach and then kicks him. 

"No" Logan screams, and I try to wiggle of to Rorkes grasp. Rorke laughs 

He goes over to Hesh and points his gun at Hesh's head. I look at Hesh and I nod my head , to confirm 'checkmate'

"Checkmate" Hesh says 

"Checkmate confirmed" Merrick say from coms

"What was that? What did you do?" Rorke says 

"You lost, Rorke. It's over." I say I look at Logan and mouth 'I Love You' 

'I Love You Too' Logan mouths

A rod hits the track in front of them.

"Shit, son..." Rorke says as the track collapses form underneath them.........................

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