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Logan's POV.............

Rorke had just killed my dad right in front of me. I lost Mia and now I lost dad, all I have left is Hesh. We are getting taken to god knows where, we make our way into a larger room and I see Merrick get tossed on the floor and soon we do as well. I see a few more solders come in with someone else, I couldn't see their face their hair was covering their face. Soon they were tossed on the ground as well.

"The boss wants the girl and the youngest boy alive" A federation solder said

'Girl' I thought 'No it cant be' I thought as i look at the girl. The girl had matted hair, she looked half starved, and blood stains all over her and them I see her eyes, those blue and green eyes 'Mia' I thought. The solder raise their guns to Merrick and Hesh's head. I look at Hesh and i see a scope glint, and i know exactly who it is Keegan. I hear gunshots and the solder drop in front of us and Merrick and Hesh grab guns and kill the rest of the solder. The girl passes out, and I break free of the zip-ties and lift up the girl and it is Mia but the looks terrible.

"Oh Mia" I say as I pick her up 

3 hours later....

We make it to the HELO and we get Mia and Riley checked out. Riley was fine the bullet when all the way through, but Mia on the other she was in bad shape. She had many open wounds and scars. She was emaciated, it looked like they never feed her and if they did it was not a lot.  We make it to the base hospital and they take her immediately she goes into surgery because she had major internal injuries. It has been several hours since they took her back, but a doctor walks into the waiting room and looks at me and Merrick 

"She just got out of surgery" the doctor says "You may come back now" he says point out her room number. 

I let Merrick go see her first, I wanted to go as soon as I found out she was out of surgery but Merrick is her dad, so family first. Merrick walks out of her room

"Hey kid, she wants to see you" Merrick says

I nod and enter her room, and there she is lying in the hospital bed.

"Hey Logan, it's been awhile" Mia says 

I run up and kiss her "Iv'e missed you so much Mia" I say placing my forehead on her's

"I missed you to Logan" Mia says 

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