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"I'm a member of the Ghosts, I cant believe it!!!!!" I squeal as I close my door. I couldn't believe I was a member of the Ghosts, I was only 15, how would the other member react to a 15 year old being on the team? Elias had given me files with all the Ghost members and Training times and places. Merrick was on the Ghosts, well that's a relief at least I know him and Elias. The other Ghosts were Keegan, Ajax, and Kick.  I wasn't given any other information beside their names but I was ok with that.

 I hear a knock on my door as i'm looking through the ghost files, "Come in" i said Merrick walks in and says "Hey Mia can I ask you something ?"  "You just did, I'm kidding whats up?" I say Merrick sits down and sets paper down on the table and says "Look I know this my sound weird but the day we met in the woods I couldn't help but see you like a daughter, you were strong willed, courageous, witty, and much more. But I came to ask you if I have your permission to adopt you?" I didn't know what to say Merrick was always so nice to and I kinda did see him as a father figure, I knew my answer and I said "Merrick I would love to be your daughter" "REALLY??" Merrick says smiling "YES!!!" I say and run and hug him and he hugs me back. "Oh Mia you have no idea how happy I am" he says hugging me tighter oh I do  I think but I'm pretty sure he already knows. 

Me and Merrick talk for who knows how long, and I look to see what time it is and it's 9:00  "Oh shit it's late I better be getting to bed because we have training tomorrow" I say. Merrick looks too and sighs and says "Yea I better be getting to bed too" he stands up and hugs me and says "Goodnight Mia"  Goodnight Merrick" I say as he walks out the door and shutting it for me. OH MY GOD I JUST GOT ADOPTED BY MERRICK  I thought. "Well today was a great day I'm on the Ghosts and Merrick adopted me !!!!!" I say to myself as I crawl into bed. I was so tired that as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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