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Mia's POV..........

We make our way into the city and take our post in a tall building next to the one Victor Ramos would be in soon. I see a HELO come into view and alert Keagan he mutters something to Logan.

I check the zip-line launcher with Hesh, and the HELO lands and i signal Keegan to get Logan on the Optic Scanner. We get the signal that Victor Ramos is here and I contact Elias

"Target confirmed" I say in my earpiece

"Mission is a go" Elias says 

"Hard copy, Scarecrow. Nova Out" I say " Mission is a go get on the zip-lines and get in the building"

"Copy Nova" everyone says 

"Everyone deploy your launcher and hook up" Keegan says

We all hook up to the zipline and advance.

"3, 2, 1. Detach." Keggan says 

We all detach from their lines and rappel down the building.

"Line secure. Let's move down." Keegan says

Slowly, we all move down.

 "Enemies below." Hesh says 

 "The lights inside will keep them blind to us."

As we move down, we stop on a floor where a man using a laptop is seen.

"Guy at the table. Nova take him out" Keegan said

I  shot him right in the center of his forehead 

"Good shot" Keegan says 

 "Shift right. Let's take care of the other two." I say 

We move to the right, where two other men come into view

 "On you, kid" Keegan says 

Logan kills one of the men, Keegan takes down the other.

 "Targets down. We're clear. Move to the next floor" I say 

They move down.

"More enemies below" Hesh says 

I easily snipe them 

 "Clear" I say 

 "Hold your fire. Got three at the poker table over here." Keegan says 

"Left side. One in the kitchen. One on the way." Hesh says 

"Shift left. Hit the kitchen first. Wait until he's in the kitchen and take them both down." Keegan says 

I move to the left with Hesh, to the kitchen.

 "On you" Hesh says 

Me and Hesh kill both of the men in the kitchen.

"Got movement in the center" Keegan says 

I move to the right, one of the men in the poker table stood up, but sits back down.

 "Alright. Smoke these guys" Keegan says 

The three men were taken out.

TIME SKIP........

( I really didn't feel like typing out this whole mission lol )

" Lets go " Hesh say opening the door " You check the left I'll check the right" 

I nod in response, I walk into what looks like an office and someone rips off my mask 

"A Girl?" someone says

I wip my head around and see who took of my mask Ramos

"I don"t want to hurt you chica (girl) " Ramos says 

"I cant say the same Ramos" I say 

Keegan opens the door, the room is empty

"Damn it! He's not here! Hesh? Nova?" keegan says over the coms 

 "I got him" I say 

 Hesh pushes open the door and i set ( shove/throw ) Ramos in a chair and point my in a chair pointing a pistol at Ramos

"Nova where is your mask"  Logan asks 

"Ramos ripped it off its in hesh's pocket" I say 

"He knew you would come" Ramos says 

  "Where's Rorke? Where is he?" Keegan says 

"I don't know. No one knows." Ramos says 

 "Nova" Keegans says 

I pin Ramos against the table. I whisper in his ear "I think its for the best if you tell us"

"You have five seconds to deliver coordinates on Rorke. Four!" Keegan says 

"He's not here." Ramos says

"Three! Two!" Keegan says 

"His location is in there. In an encrypted file." Ramos says 

The television in the room starts broadcasting live feed from Rorke.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't the walking dead." Rorke says 

 "Rorke." Keegan says

"I knew you'd follow the bread crumbs." Rorke says 

"You tried to kill my father you piece of shit" Hesh yelled 

"Hesh" I yell at him 

"The sons of Elias Walker. Boys sent to do a man's work." Rorke says "And Mia Scott, I've heard a lot about you" 

"Where are you, Rorke?" Keegan says 

 "Where I am doesn't matter. What matters is from this night forward Elias lives with the knowledge he sent his own sons to their death." Rorke says 

The feed ends. I hear explosions aall around the building. The building starts to rumble violently.

 "It was a set-up. Let's move." I say 

 "Mi vida... (My life...)" Ramos says 

We run out of  the room

"Command/Scarecrow, mission is compromised! Attempting an aerial exfil from the 52nd floor." Keegan says running 

"Copy, Six-Two. Prepping emergency team for your new rally point." Elias says 

We move through the ongoing wreckage

"We need to find a window before the whole damn place comes down!" I say 

"Windows ahead" Hesh says 

 "Copy we can jump from here! Get to the window" Keegan says 

As we move to the window, the building begins to collapse and leans sideways

"Prep your chutes! It's going down" Keegan says

"Shit" I say as I fall sliding 

The building leans more

 "Grab on to something, Watch out" Hesh says 

The building leans to the point it is almost horizontal, everyone is sliding through the floor

 "Ready your chutes" Keegan says 

We fall through a window, and open our parachutes

"Scarecrow, we're airborne! En route to rally point echo. Good work you two. Now let's get the hell out of here" Keegan says 

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