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The light had brightened up the dark gray interrogation room. Pru had pushed herself from off the ground back to the chair she was in before. Wiping her face free of the tears she had cried. She had taken her hat off to readjust it when her eyes landed on the black and blue mark on her cheek. It popped out a bit more against her pale skin. Pulling her hair more to try and cover her cheek, she then placed the hat back on her head. She interlaced her fingers together staring at her hands that were placed on the table. She had felt a big feeling of regret washing over her for coming into the district now. If Graham found out, she could only imagine what he would do.

The door opened and in came the man that Pru saw the other day at the scene of the crime. The girl didn't know him but she figured that he was a detective or something since he was here at the district. And he must have been one hell of a good one if he was in Hank's unit. The guy held a brown paper bag and a cup in his hands with a file folder tucked under his arm. Pru studied his movement as he started to make his way over to the table.

"Where's Hank?" Pru asked.

"He's working on some other leads to the case right now. So he sent me in here so we could talk." He answered the girl's question as he set the bag and drink down on the table. Pulling out the metal chair across from the blonde girl to take a seat himself.

"So Hank sent in a real life ken doll to start a little conversation. Maybe see if I would become weak in the knees and confess everything I know because you flash a charming smile? I'll pass." Pru stated as she leaned in a little, holding back her smirk.

"Hank should know, I never liked playing with Barbie's. Cops and robbers was my go-to game of enjoyment." Pru sassed as she leaned back in her chair. The man scoffed and shook his head.

"That's ironic coming from the lost Barbie herself." He shot back as he pushed the drink and brown baggie in front of her. She glared at the man across from her and shook her head. Opening up the bag to see a sandwich and a bag of chips. She wouldn't admit it but she kind of liked him sassing her back. Once she finally moved in with Graham the whole personality he had the year prior had disappeared and he no longer liked being joked with or challenged in any way. So in the moment Pru felt a little bit of relief for being able to let a part of her humor slip without any repercussions.

"Ham and cheese. And cool ranch Doritos." Jay listed off the contents of the bag as the girl looked at him. Pulling out the sandwich to start pulling pieces apart and hesitantly tossing the pieces into her mouth.

"I'm Jay." He introduced himself. She glanced at him and nodded.


"Well, Pru. We really need your help. The only way we can close this case is if you give us information." Jay spoke to her as she kept quiet. He opened the file folder, pulling out a few photographs.

"These are the three victims from the armed robbery Graham was a part of. It was his bullet that killed this little girl." Jay informed Pru looked down at the photos. Trying to keep a straight face and not break down crying. A child had been killed because of Graham? She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to.

"I saw you yesterday. You drove by the scene. I think you needed a little glimpse of what Graham had gotten himself into again before you ran away from him. I feel like a look at that is what pushed you into willingly coming here today." Jay looked at the girl who stared at the pictures. She was still in shock. Would he really kill a little kid with no remorse? Jay went back into the folder, lifting up a few papers to pull out a few more pictures and placing them in front of the girl.

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