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The intelligence floor had been quiet. It was still early before anyone had to be in for work. But one person still crept around with other intentions. Intentions that would dig them a bit of a hole especially if it had anything to do with Hank Voight and doing something behind his back.

Adam heard a muffled noise as he turned the corner. The noise resonated from inside the break room. Peaking through the doorway, his eyes landed on a sleeping Jay. Adam furrowed his brows in confusion. Slowly he made his way over to his coworker that laid on the couch.

"Jay." Adam said as the man on the couch continued to whimper in his sleeping state.

"Jay. Hey, man. Wake up." Adam carefully tried to wake up the Halstead man. When Adam's hand touched Jay, his reflexes snapped. Adam jumped back away from Jay who got ready to throw a punch in the other man's direction.

"Hey, it's alright. Whoa." Adam kept Jay at a distance. His arms up in a defensive way to keep Jay from pouncing on him.

"Are you okay?" Adam questioned as Jay tiredly looked at him. Leaning back into the couch as he rubbed his face.

"You alright?" Adam wondered, double-checking. Concerned for the man in front of him.

"Yeah, man. I just came to take a nap." Jay informed Adam.

"A nap? It's 7:30 in the a.m., man." Adam clarified the time to Jay who looked at his watch in confusion.

"Where's Pru?" Adam wondered as he looked out the window for any sign of the blonde girl.

"She stayed at Hailey's again last night. Hailey texted me to tell me that Pru passed out on the floor watching Tangled and she didn't want to wake her up." Jay replied as Adam frowned.

"Are you two okay?" Adam questioned.

"I don't know. I thought we might have been getting better but she has been staying more with Hailey." Jay admitted honestly, not knowing what was going on between the two of them.

"Maybe, space is good. It's healthy, at least supposed to be." Adam shrugged, a bit unsure if that meaning was really meant for those two. Something was clearly going on with Jay and Pru. You had to be blind not to see it. It seemed like they just worked better together. And when they weren't in sync with one another, it was like the world was upside down. It wasn't hard to see that the two were going through hell not being on the same page with each other. Adam held onto hope though that the two would figure everything out without making a mess of things.

"What are you doing here so early?" Jay asked as he tugged a bit on his watch and Adam shrugged.

"I had to do some paperwork." Adam lied as Jay nodded, believing him. Jay stood up from the couch and grabbed his jacket he was using as a pillow.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Adam checked again as he looked at his friend.

"Yeah, man. It's just... a bad dream." Jay hesitated with his wording then walked out of the break room. He wasn't going to lie to himself though. It was more like a nightmare. All he saw was blood and pale white skin. And in the puddle of blood was stained crimson blonde hair. He couldn't bare the thought of that nightmare coming true. And he was blaming himself that it would be his own fault if it did come true. So, Jay Halstead was determined to make sure that didn't happen. Even if he had to push the main person he cared about away.

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