twenty nine.

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twenty nine.

The cool Chicago air blew around the park. Birds chirped in the trees and cars beeped in the street traffic. The green field in the park was full of people. A block party was occurring with a cover band playing music and people scattered all around. Smiling, talking, and laughing filled the air. It was a nice day to get some fresh air considering all the civilians walking along the trails.

Pru had slowed down jogging to take a breather. Taking a chug from her water bottle as she looked at all the happy people. As the girl turned to take in more of the view, her eyes landed on a family face. Smiling, the girl approached the nanny with the little boy on his three-wheeled scooter.

"Hey, Liz." Pru greeted before bending down to level with the little boy.

"Hi, Owen." Pru smiled as the younger boy giggled. Leaving his scooter to run into Pru's arms as she hugged him.

"I see you're taking a little route on your scooter. Can you do any tricks yet?" Pru asked Owen who shook his head.

"No." His lightly volumed voice responded.

"No?! Well, one day you'll be able to. And you'll be even cooler than you are now." Pru's told him as she tickled his sides. He erupted in a fit of giggles as he squirmed around.

"Hey, Pru. Do you have a phone? I left mine at Natalie's place." Liz asked Pru. The girl pulled her phone out of her pocket, clicking on her screen to be met with nothing. Clicking the lock button a few times repeated but it was still no use.

"Liz, I'm sorry. I didn't charge it before I went on the run." Pru apologized.

"It's alright, we'll just have to head back early." Liz said as Owen, frowned.

"No." He yelled in protest as he stomped his foot down and crossed his arms. The action made Pru laugh at the child.

"Liz, you can head back to get it. I can watch Owen." Pru told the nanny.

"Are you sure?" Liz questioned.

"Yeah, I can take Owen back after." Pru replied as screams erupted in the distance. Gaining their attention as people started to run and gun shots began to rain. Pru engulfed Owen and grabbed Liz's hand. Pulling them away with her in the opposite direction. Finding a hiding place. They sat and waited, praying everything would be alright. Pru covered Owen's ears from the sound of gun shots as she quietly shushed him.


In the hospital it was filled with chaos. Victims piling up from the shooting. Natalie was going mad not being able to get ahold of Owen's nanny. So many people were in the park. And Owen could've been there with Liz.

Jay Halstead had brought two undercover cops with him as he made his trip into the Gaffney Chicago Medical Center. Talking to Sharon Goodwin before having the cops start looking for the potential shooter. Jay kept checking his phone incase Pru contacted him or if anyone heard from Pru. She had the day off but she hadn't been picking up any of their calls. And Hailey began to worry because she thought Pru might have gone for her run through the park and now no one could get ahold of her. Natalie Manning ran to stop Jay in slight worry for her son.

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