twenty five.

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twenty five.

Almost everyone was gathered in the bullpen. Lounging around near the TV set in the back as they waited for the program to come on. Trudy Platt was going to be interviewed on live tv and everyone was ready to cheer her on through the tv. Pru sat on one side of Jay's desk in front of the tv. Jay was in his chair with his feet up on the other side of the desk. Hailey and Kev on his other side near the window. They all passed out snacks to each other like they were getting ready to watch a movie.

"Platt's on in two. Everyone! Adam! Antonio, come on." Kim announced as she brought in more containers of snacks.

"We're not staying. I'm gonna do the paperwork at home." Antonio told them as he was packing up his things with his daughter, Eva right next to him.

"Aww, come on, Toni." Pru booed at the man.

"Hey, Eva. What's up, kid?" Adam asked as he walked into the room coming from the locker room.

"Ooo. Kim, I want the cheese balls." Pru declared from the back. The women handed the bin to her as she popped the lid open. Jay went to stuff his hand in but she slapped his hand away.

"You have smartfood, touch the cheese balls and you won't have a hand." Pru warned as she pulled the bin closer to her chest for safety.

"My father is a fascist." Eva told Adam. The teenager was clearly annoyed with her father.

"Okay, i don't know what to do with that." Adam commented as he walked over to the group that surrounded the tv. Pru handed over the cheese balls to Adam as Jay gave her an offended look. She smiled sweetly at him and shrugged.

"Okay, everybody be quiet. Platt's on tv." Kev said with a mouthful of food. Quieting them all down as he turned the volume up.

Trudy appeared on the screen in front of them with the interviewer. Announced as a new 'friendly' face which made Adam snicker. The older women looked uncomfortable being right front and center for the camera. She seemed unsure of where to even look as she moved around in her seat.

"She couldn't possibly hate this anymore." Jay commented with a smile as they all laughed. During the interview a beeping began to go off on the tv which had them mildly confused. Trudy looked around on the camera as she checked if everything was alright. Finding the beeping unusual.

"I think that's coming from my office." The interviewer said as Jay stood up from his chair.

"What was that?" He questioned. The next thing they all knew, the tv showed an explosion while the whole unit jumped on shock. Pru covered her mouth in terror at what had just happened. The camera caught the fire at the set then instantly cut out. Leaving everyone speechless at what had just transpired on the camera.


"Okay, we got the initial report from bomb and arson. It was a single device. Cardboard box in Sheri's office. IED, nails, glass. We're lucky no one was standing closer." Jay caught Hank and Kev up to speed as Antonio comes up the stairs.

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