Chapter 1- Fuyōna

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I tackled the taller male to the ground, punching him in the face as to make sure he is knocked out. I glance around, noting that the other two villains got away.

I quickly tie up the villain underneath me, and turn my attention over to the woman sitting against the wall. Her eyes are wide as saucers as she looks at me, thanking me a million times. I smile, though it goes unseen under my mask, and walk over to her, holding out a hand to help her up.

She looks at it before talking it, bowing and thanking me again for my help.

"Call the police and tell them what happened." My voice sounds deep, a huge contrast to what it actually sounds like given the fact that I have a voice changer hidden under my mask. I slip a note into the unconscious villain's hand, before jumping away onto the roof.

I grin under my mask as I hop between the roofs, before stopping to listen for any trouble. I sit down on the edge of the roof, leaning forward slightly while taking in the night air.

While I have a moment of peace, I should probably say what I look like so you know what the fuck your supposed to be imaging right now.. and probably everything else you need to know as well.

First off, my name is Izuku Midoriya, and this is a world of quirks! If your confused, quirks are basically another name for superpowers. One day a baby decided to say, "I WANNA BE A SUPERHUMAN GODDAMMIT!" And came out of the womb literally glowing! That must have been fun for the parents!

Since then, quirks have evolved, and became the norm. People all around the globe got them, and started to become dependent on them. Only problem? It's like being left or right-handed. While most of the population is right-handed, you still have a certain percentage that is left-handed.

That's what it's like with quirks.

Roughly twenty percent of the population doesn't have a quirk -about ninety-five percent of them being seniors- and I just so happen to fall into that category. This leads to a shitty thing called quirk discrimination! Basically, I -and the rest of the quirkless population- get treated like shit!

With the rise of quirks though, a new problem also came known. That problem? Villains. Basically just a fancy name for criminal. With the rise of villains also came the rise of heroes, and the government made it an official job that you have to be licensed for, as well as added laws to fit the new, quirked world.

While you have heroes and villains, you also have a gray zone. Vigilantism. Basically using your quirk illegally (without a license) to kick some ass. Most people see vigilante's as villains, since they are breaking the law, but they can also act more as heroes, like me. Oh yeah, did I forget to say I'm a vigilante? I mean, if you look at the more technical side, I'm not since I don't have a quirk to break the law with, but I'm still labeled as it.

Now that that has been said, let's get onto what I look like!

My vigilante costumes outside appearance is pretty straightforward. It's a dark, forest green suit. It's skintight enough so that it doesn't cause problems, but I also had to make sure I could, y'know, move. It has red straps a few inches above the knees, cause, why not? And it has a black belt with compartments where I keep medical supplies, a few support items, as well as my cell phone and a few repair tools. It has a black mask with the same forest green lines on the side that covers my mouth, and connects to the hood attached to the suit. I have a red visor that goes over both of my eyes, and red combat boots, with black laces and soles. And last but not least, a pair of black gloves that go up to my elbows, with my suit tucked into them.

Now into the more nitty-gritty stuff! Aka, the fun shit!

The suit itself has bullet-proof padding around the chest area. I would have made it so that the padding was everywhere, but that would make it very hard to move in, so I decided against that. It also has shoulder and elbow padding, as well as padding around the knees. Not bullet-proof, but it will do. It is water, and electric proof, as well as fire proof to a certain extent. The hood is really just your every day basic hood. The only thing it is really there for is to protect my identity. Seriously. That's it. The mask, as stated earlier, has a very small voice changer inside of it, that can be voice activated through my visor. I would also add a thing so I could talk to people, but I'm lonely as fuck, so I don't really see the need to do that!

Fuyōna The Unwanted Vigilante Where stories live. Discover now