Chapter 3- I Have A Question

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I looked at my notebook floating in the little pond, fish nibbling on my hopes and dreams. Sighing, I reach in and try to grab it.

"Give it back dammit! It isn't fish food it's my fucking notebook!" I yell, getting frustrated.

Finally getting my notebook back, I hold it in both of my hands. I look at the now burnt and soaked book, shaking with so many emotions I don't even think I could name them if I wanted to.

'You idiot. You fucking idiot! You can't go around telling people to kill themselves!' I fall to my knees, holding the book to my chest as I try to keep the tears in, and the panic attack from happening. 'You can't tell that to people! Not to someone you hate, not to someone you love, not to someone you don't know, not to anyone!'

I clutch the book like my life depends on it, like if I let it go, I would let go of everything I worked so hard for with it. People walk by, some looking at me with disgust, hatred, and rage. Others don't even bat an eye at my shaking, wide-eyed form. It's just another reject. Just another unwanted kid.

'And definitely not to someone who has attempted it before.'

My eyes fill with not sadness, not emptiness, not rejection, but rage. Pure rage, to not just Katsuki, but to life. It isn't directed to anyone in particular.

It's just directed to life.

'Definitely not to someone who launched themselves off a building, only barely being caught and brought back up to the roof. The black sky and clouds overhead and the poor panicked man who had caught me being the only ones to see the whole ordeal.' I stand up, taking a different rout home as to not bump into the people who hate me so much.

'Definitely not to me.'


I walked under a bridge, clutching my notebook to my chest as by bag hung carelessly from my shoulders. My mind unintentionally went to the fight that happened this morning, and the debut of the new hero. I wanted to get home fast to write about her, and find out weaknesses as well as strong points. She seemed strong, but her way of debuting was honestly rude in my opinion. Either way, I desperately want to learn about her quirk!

Just because the world hates me doesn't mean that I'm gonna keep mellowing in self pity! I sat there for like, five minutes! Those five minutes were well deserved gosh darnet!

My mini rant was cut short when the sewer drain behind me literally FLEW OUT OF THE GROUND! Noted, shear clear of sewer drains cause they desperately want to be birds!

As much as I find the image of a sewer drain with bird wings and a beak hilarious, the real reason it went flying was because of a sludge villain. Honestly, I hate Lady luck and Lady luck hates me!

"Ooo! A medium sized vessel-" I don't wanna listen to that, no thank you! Not listening to whatever it's saying, I reach into my shoe and pull out a small pocket knife. I look for a place to attack the villain as it shoots forward, trying to grab me.

I roll my eyes and spot a place that  definitely looks like slime and not solid at all. Seriously, if you have a weakness that you know will be obvious, at least try to hide it!

I smirk and stand still, allowing the smiley substance to wrap around me, making me almost unable to move. It does, however, cover my nose and mouth. Making me unable to breath.

I need to end this fast. Loosing consciousness wouldn't really be a good thing...

The villain keeps monologuing(villains really need to stop doing that), and I reach my hand back, still having a firm grip on the knife. "And with your body- wha- hey! You know that isn't going to work, right? My body is made of slime! Anything you do is pointless!"

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