Chapter 17- One In The same

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"This is a wreck." Hizashi announces as he walks into the kitchen.

The tired hero sighs as he rubs his temples, trying to fight off the headache that has been slowly but surely forming for the past hour or so. "You can say that again."

Hizashi makes his way over to Shouta, quickly kissing his forehead before getting him a glass of water and some Ibuprofen. He gives a silent nod as a thank you, and while it may not seem like much to most people, Hizashi knows that Shouta is grateful.

Hizashi stays standing on the opposite side of the island counter, not able to stay seated as he begins to speak.

"Izuku's in the shower right now. From what I can tell there's no physical abuse involved, but there is emotional and physiological, as well as some major child neglect. You would have thought it would be difficult to be so over-protective and manipulative while also being so neglectful, but somehow this bitch managed."

Shouta would have snorted at Hizashi calling Inko a bitch(he isn't wrong), but he feels as if now isn't really the time. There's rage and concern in Hizashi's voice that makes Shouta pause.

Almost reluctantly, the coffee addict asks, "What happened?"

The question is intentionally vague. It let's Hizashi know that Shouta needs details- which Hizashi would have given him anyway, though it may have taken longer-, but also let's him choose where to start and go at his own pace. Hizashi is regularly very open with his feelings, but he also tends to close off if he feels trapped or like he's being forced to share information he doesn't feel comfortable sharing. It's why during times like this, Shouta allows Hizashi to choose where the conversation begins and ends.

"It's- he- she-" the voice hero pauses, trying to think of a coherent sentence before eventually giving up and blurting his main troubles. "He's scared Shouta."

Shouta freezes, the words hitting him hard.

Both he and Hizashi had known that Izuku was, in some way, scared. If it wasn't obvious from the time at the infirmary, café, or even the previous night in the living room, then it sure as hell was obvious from their time on the rooftop.

That being said, actually getting confirmation that Izuku was- no. Is scared, is so much different.

Because that means that the woman who was supposed to protect, and love, and care for Izuku, instead did the opposite and made him scared of her.

She made a kid afraid of his own mother.

Hizashi continues, knowing that if he doesn't talk now, he may not later. "He's scared, and he was- he doesn't want to go back which he wont, but holy shit how are we supposed to help him!? I mean, we could kidnap him? Yeah. Let's just kidnap him. Let's just-", he pauses, slapping himself in the forehead. Shouta waits patiently.

What else is he supposed to do? Yell at Hizashi for not being calm and collected?

Hell no. Shouta himself isn't even either of those things. And if he was? You still wouldn't see him yell at Hizashi.


Hizashi breathes, looking up with a sort desperation Shouta has never seen.

"She tries to control everything he does while barely being there to the point it's child neglect. She treats his quirklessness as a disability, and brushes off the obvious bully as "kids being kids". From what I can tell, she constantly guilt trips him into making him think things are his fault including the things he has no control over. She has told him, and I quote from Izuku, "You have to actually be able to amount to something if you want to save people". Andisoveralljustafuckingdickofaperson,and-"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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