Chapter 10- Ah Fuck I can't Believe You've Done This

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Shouta, to say the very least, was pissed.

Why was he pissed, you may ask?

Because he just watched the kid that he's been around for the past ten months become an absolute dumbass and electrocute himself.

So, now, he has to watch said kid in the U.A infirmary. I mean, he doesn't technically have to watch him, but Nemuri and Hizashi both had to patrol today. If he woke up in an unfamiliar environment with an unfamiliar face(Recovery Girl) by his side, he may freak out.

And, okay, maybe Shouta was slightly worried about him, but can you blame him? One of the things he never hopes to see is the people he cares about in any type of hospital bed. And, while he may not like to admit it, this kid is one of the people he cares about.

"Aizawa." Recovery Girl, a very short elderly woman, pops out from behind the curtain, cane in hand. She's also known as Shuzenji Chiyo.

Shouta hums, looking up from his chair beside the wall. "What is it, Shuzenji?" He asks, leaning forward. She raises an eyebrow.

"You need to notify his parents? Don't tell me you forgot." Normally, Shouta would already have a bruise forming on his head from being hit with the elderly woman's cane. However, she can tell that he cares for the kid. If he didn't, he would have left along time ago. Actually, he probably wouldn't have even shown up. So, yeah, she's holding off just a little.

Shouta's eyes widen ever-so-slightly as he reaches into his utility belt and takes out his phone. "Right, yeah, I'll do that." He says, unlocking his phone and scrolling through his contacts.

Shouta's never actually talked to the kid's parents, but Izuku did give him his mother's phone number in case of an emergency. Shouta would have talked to the woman, but her spawn specifically said not to because of the fact that she doesn't know of his nightly outings.

Chiyo walks out of the room with a sigh, her cane making small 'clicks' on the ground as she walks. Once the door closes behind her, Shouta dials the number on his phone screen before putting it up to his ear, mentally preparing himself for the conversation he is about to have.

The phone answers with a click, "This is Midoriya Inko, how can I help you?" To say Shouta was caught off-guard would be an understatement. Unlike Izuku, Midoriya Inko has a very soft, comforting voice.

That being said, he clearly heard the underlying panic that was settled into her tone.

"Hello Mrs. Midoriya, this is Aizawa Shouta. I'm a teacher at U.A, and am calling about your son, Midoriya Izuku."

There was a pause on the other line, and Shouta goes through what he had just said in his head. He didn't say anything wrong, so he assumes she's just processing.

"U.A?" Shouta glances at the still unconscious kid, his worries from earlier in the week rising to the surface once again.

She hid it well, but there was still anger in her tone. He will say, however, that the worry grew with the newfound emotion.

He thinks over his next words carefully, "Yes Ma'am. The enterance exams for the hero course were today, and your son competed in them. He did very well, but there was an indecent and he electrocuted himself. He's perfectly fine, but is unconscious in the U.A infirmary at the moment. By law, we have to notify the parents so they can come pick their child up." Now that Shouta thinks about it, Izuku has never mentioned his father other than the day they first met. The only thing he said about him then was that he left when Izuku was at the age of seven. As an after thought, he adds, "Or parent."

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