Chapter 16- Labels of the Law

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Was I kidnapped?

Honesty, with how my life has been going so far, I wouldn't be surprised. Hell, I might even call it a vacation.

The last thing I remember even remotely clearly is escaping onto a rooftop after I freaked the fuck out cause why the fuck would I not.

I'm pretty sure one or more people joined me and Moon's little roof party at some point, but who knows! It would make sense considering the fact that I am in a room that most certainly is not mine!

I glance around the unknown room, making sure to find escape routes and any possible weapons.

The room almost seems as if it were decorated by two polar opposites. On one dresser, there's figurines, photos, jewelry, ex.. On the other, there's only two photos. The rest of the room is the same way. Some places are decorated while others are left bland. There's a simple, black, circular rug in the middle of the room, and light grey walls. The bed I am currently sitting on has a simple black and white comforter, and grey pillows.

It kinda reminds me of what Shouta and Hizashi's house looks like.



I take a closer look at the pictures, seeing very familiar faces blocked in by the picture-frames borders. I take a closer look at the rug and notice a pair of comforting hazel and cyan eyes looking back at me.

How much of a dumbass can I be?

On cue, the door opens and Hizashi's head pops in. As soon as his gaze lands on me a smile forms on his face, and he turns around, saying something that I don't pick up on before trotting into the room.

I move over so he can sit down next to me, and he gives me a small smile before taking the offer.

After a few moments of silence I realise two things. For one, Shouta probably sent Hizashi in, because, like me, he sucks at emotions. And for two, Hizashi is gonna make me talk first.


I sigh as I let myself fall back, my head hitting the pillow with a loud 'plop'.

"How many times am I going to end up in your fucking house. And please tell me this is a guest bedroom, because otherwise I do not want to be laying on this bed. Who knows what has happened on it."

At the first half the loud blonde begins to roll his eyes, before immediately choking on his spit when I say the second half.


"Izuku! Mind out of the gutter!" Impossible. "To answer both of your questions, who knows, and yes, you are in a guest bedroom." He lays down beside me, arms crossing over his chest unlike mine laying limply by my side.

My curiosity peaks through as I glance around the room again. "Thank gods, but why the hell is it decorated like this if it's a guest bedroom?"

At that, Hizashi chuckles. "Shouta didn't want you to wake up and think you were kidnapped or something, so he made me put a ton of pictures and things you saw from the living room in here. It was the only thing that would get him to finally leave the room, so I suffered having to decorate while not waking you up."

I look at him amused while he gives an exasperated sigh, though there was an obvious fondness behind it.

"Well, he was right. For a solid five seconds I thought I was kidnapped until I took a closer look at the photos." I scan over the pictures again, seeing the smiling faces of the three idiots I have come to see as family.

And before you ask, yes, Shouta is also smiling.

Hizashi gives me a side glance, raising an eyebrow. "You say that as if it isn't a bad thing." He questions.

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