Chapter 12- Home Sweet Home

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This day started out so well.

And then it got worse.

And worse.

And even worse.

But you know what? This is just the cherry on fucking top!

What do you do when life fucks you over!? Add extra whip cream, dammit!

"Why hello there my favorite radio star and hobo duo! How has your day been other then when you both talked to me?"
Yes, Hizashi and Shouta showed up at the cafe. And yes, they noticed me.

Fucking why?

Hizashi laughs while bending down, picking up a tabby kitten that found its way to his feet.

On the other hand, Shouta, being the only sane person in the group, looks at us both with disappointment.

I wonder how many times I can get that face from him in one day? My current record is fifteen. That patrol night is to never be told to anyone.

I would be sent to a mental hospital if it ever got out.

Calming down from his short laughing fit, Hizashi walks over to me, placing the cat previously in his arms in my hair. He walks back to Shouta, clutching his hand before quite literally dragging him over to my pile of cats.

"Me and Sho just wanted to spend some time with cats that aren't moody as hell!" How enthusiastic can one person be?

Shouta pinches the bridge of his nose, seemingly looking annoyed.

Jokes on you bitch, because I can see that smile! It's small and terrifying, but that's fine because it's still there!

That last sentence describes me way more accurately then I would like to admit.


"What's our favorite Little Listener doing here!?" Curiosity creeps into his tone.

Oh wow. This cat in my lap is suddenly the most interesting thing on the planet. This totally isn't me trying to avoid having to answer. Nope. Not at all.

Taking a sip from my coffee, I sigh.

How the fuck am I going to lie my way out of this one? Shouta's already suspicious of my home life.

"My mom had to work tonight and I didn't feel like cooking anything. I didn't want Moon to be alone, so I grabbed her and came here."

The warmth of the cafe seems colder now. The welcoming atmosphere betrays me, and I watch Shouta and Hizashi glance at each other from the corner of my eye. My anxiety spikes up slightly from the silent conversation, but I keep a neutral look.

Shouta sighs, and I assume that the conversation has ended as he looks at me.

"Do you need a place to crash for the night?"

Finally, I look up, my eyes wide as saucers as disbelief floods my system.

Why? Because there is no way in hell that Shouta of all people just offered me a place to stay. For all he knows, I'm just trying to piss people off. (Which technically I am, but he doesn't need to know that.) And, I mean, why would he? Both him and Hizashi are pro heroes, teachers, and Hizashi is also a radio host. They shouldn't have to worry about offering me a place to sleep for the night!


Don't they already have enough on their plate? Plus, I have Moon with me! Not only would they me housing me for the night, but also my cat! And what if she doesn't get along with their cats? If I remember correctly, they have three.

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