Chapter 7- Past Memories and New Beginnings

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I limped home from school, sore all over from the beatings my fellow classmates had given me only an hour earlier.

I walked into my apartment, closing the door gently behind me as to not disturb the neighbors, and made my way to my room.

I threw my bag down, walked over to my bed, and bent down, pulling out a first aid kit from under it before setting to work.

Sighing, I wrapped the bandages around my legs, arms, and torso, making sure to put burn cream on the places a certain Pomeranian used his quirk, as well as disinfecting any cuts that I found.

I stood up, lazily kicking the first aid kit back under my bed, and made my way into the kitchen, a piece of paper on the counter catching my eye. I sighed, for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, and walked over to it, holding it to my face as I read the oh so familiar words.

I wont be able to come home tonight, the hospital is low on staff.
Leftovers are in the fridge, make sure to be in bed by 10!

Love you,

I, yet again, sighed.

'Of course she wont be home tonight. Well, I guess that makes things easier for me.'

I walked over to the fridge, noticing it had already begun to get dark, and took out the leftover katsudon from last night. I took off the clean wrap, throwing it in the garbage, before placing it in the microwave to heat it up.

I discarded my mothers note, and walked back to my room, taking out my own neatly folded envelope, and placed it on my desk. I flipped through one of my many sketchbooks, before I landed on the page I had been looking for, and place the open book next to the letter. The drawing was of me and my mother at the park. She keeps the original picture in her wallet, so I had thought this would be a good one to draw.

Hearing the 'ding' of the microwave, I made my way back twords the kitchen, quickly eating the food.

I put my dish in the sink, washed it, and turned to the door. I leaned down, putting on my signature red shoes, before rushing out of the apartment complex, and down the sidewalk.


I look up at the stars, still sitting on the edge of the roof while I silently stroke Moon's fur. She purrs in delight and snuggles closer to me. I let out a small chuckle, and continue to pet her.

I hear a familiar figure land behind me, and turn my head slightly, giving him a small smile, though he can't actually see it.

"What did you want to talk to me about, Fuyōna?"


I had soon broken into a sprint, the clouds overhead making it almost impossible to see as I bursted through the alleys, trying to get to my destination as fast as possible.

I quickly found my destination, and climbed up the fifteen story high fire escape. It took a few minutes, but I soon reached the top, smiling in victory as I had just made it onto the roof of the tallest building in my area, and walked over to the edge.

I blinked a few times, surprised at the fact that it had no railings I needed to climb over. I shook my head, not about to complain about the fact as it just made this easier for me, and sat down on the edge, admiring the view for the last few minutes that I would be able to.

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