Chapter 4- Hero Mistakes

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I walked along the sidewalk to my home. Taking note of all the people around me, spotting everything I could use as a weapon, anything that I could hide in, or use as an escape route.

Now, I don't necessarily need to do this, but I guess after years and years of abuse from my fellow peers, it's just become a force of habit. I take note of every fire escape, every piece of trash, any weapons the people around me have on them, hell, I even take note of the small pebbles on the ground.

I get cut off of my train of thought by an explosion. 'Great. Just what I needed.' Rolling my eyes, I make my way twords the sound. It was only two blocks away from where I was, so it didn't take all to long to get there.

And, oh, oh Gods why?

I walk onto the scene, eyes widening when I see the same slime villain that attacked me a few minutes ago. I make my way to the front of the crowd, seeing that someone is encased in the slime monsters body.

Over my vigilante years, before I reenforced my mask, I had trained in holding my breath for long periods of time incase I came across a villain who was able to make, or had something containing, a toxic gas. So, in other words, having to hold my breath when the slime villain attacked me wasn't really difficult.

Whoever it has attacked now, most likely doesn't have that skill. After all, why would they?

Dread fills me when I lock eyes with my childhood friend's terrified ones.

The world seems to slow down, and I look around to see none of the heroes doing anything, complaining that they don't have the right quirk for this situation.

First off, I call bullshit! There is literally a guy here who could blast the bitch away with water! How is that not the right quirk!? Second off, they don't have time to be complaining. There is a person suffocating right now! Sure that person is a bitch, but a person's a person!

I'm about to yell at the so-called heroes when I pause abruptly. Realisation crashes into me like a truck and I slap my hand over my mouth.

Why do I get the right to complain to the heroes, when this is my fault in the first place?

The slime villain attacked me first. I'm the one who sliced open one of it's eyes. I'm the one who put it in the soda bottle. I'm the one who didn't close the lid tight enough. I'm the one who threw it, probably loosening the lid even more.

I'm the one to blame. He's able to attack right now because of me. Because I messed up.

I look up and scowl. This doesn't make me any less pissed at the heroes, but it does stop me from screaming at them.

If I made the mistake, I better be the one to fix it, right?

He's going to yell at me for this later, but I can't just sit here and watch him suffer because of something I did.

Ignoring the protesting heroes, I rush forwards. I take out the already bloodied knife from my shoe, and throw it at the sludge villain, successfully take out its other eye. It gives Kacchan a moment to breathe, so I'll take it.

I look back, seeing the heroes basically sitting on their asses and the frustration comes back in tenfold.


A rush of air passes by me and I look up to see All Bitch punching the villain into pieces. Thankfully, he has some brain in there because he grabs onto Kacchan before he can fly away.

I feel drips of water and look up, ignoring the annoyingly loud cheers, and see drops of water falling from the sky, one landing and rolling off of my nose.

Fuyōna The Unwanted Vigilante Where stories live. Discover now