Chapter 8- Walking Down A New Road

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Shouta was speechless to say the very least.

The kid he had been looking for for almost three years has been standing right in front of him for ten months.

If he's being completely honest, he was starting to think that when the kid got home he had attempted suicide again.

If he even got home.

The thought killed him.

So nobody can really blame him for the fact that he has to fight tears back.

Shouta blinks a few times as he snaps out of his daze, thoughts running wild in his mind. Izuku simply keeps smiling at him, having already expected this reaction.

He gives up on trying to hold the tears in,-it was a useless attempt anyway- and lets them flow freely down his face. He tilts his head up, looking at the young kid with a smile on his face, and says the answer he's been thinking about since the day the question was asked.

"If a person puts there mind to it, and actively works to become a hero who saves people, not just for the fame or money, then it doesn't matter what their quirk is. Who cares if you're quirkless? Anybody who says you can't become a hero is going to have karma hit them full swing, because you can and will become a hero. Actually, scratch that. You already are a hero."

At first, there was silence, and the Eraser hero began to think he said something wrong.

That was, until, he stumbled backwards from the force of the kid literally running and engulfing him in a hug.

"Y-y-you.. I've never..." Izuku tries to make a coherent sentence, but with the waterfalls coming out of his eyes, it isn't the easiest thing. That being said, Shouta isn't called an amazing hero by those who know him just because he can fight. He's smart. He knows the point that the kid in front of him is trying to make.

'He's never been told that he could become a hero before..'

The thought makes him sick.

He's seen the support items that the kid uses, and, after him, Nemuri, and Hizashi had asked, they found out that he made them all on his own. When they asked where he got the materials from? He brought them to a beach that used to be covered in trash, and found out that he had been cleaning the beach, while also gathering parts for his support gear.

The kid is also practically a genius, has amazing analytical skills, has mastered multiple different martial arts, and learned how to use baton's all while keeping straight A's in school. Not only that, but he is easily more heroic than most of the hero's today.

Izuku has plenty of potential, and everybody ignored it.

Because of what? The fact that he doesn't have a quirk?

It makes him sick.

But it also makes him acutely aware of multiple things.

This is the first time anybody has ever told him he could become a hero despite him being quirkless.

What about his parents? What about his friends-if he even had any-? His teachers? Did he even have parents? Was the kid an orphan and he had no idea? Was he being abused at home? Being bullied was practically a given, but how bad was it?

How much had he missed? How many signs were there that he, a person who calls himself a hero, missed? There is a child in front of him who has been suffering for who knows how long, and he didn't even realise.

'Can I even call myself a hero?'

'No.' He shakes his head. 'It doesn't matter right now'

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