Chapter 15- A Cat's Love

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"Have you even recovered from being electrocuted yet!? Where are you going to go? It's not like you have friends. Where did you even stay last night?"

Izuku turns around to face his spawn point, placing his hand in his hoodie pocket so the feline inside of it can nuzzle up next to a comforting warmth.

The glare Izuku directs at Inko has her recoiling. It isn't like the glares he sends to the Squad.

Those glares are playful. There's no real hate behind them.

This glare was not playful. It was full of anger. It was full of, not necessarily hate, but definitely some type of resentment.

No matter what she does, Izuku can't bring himself to hate his mother.

He just can't.

"You let me walk home after I fucking electrocuted myself!" He growls, taking a challenging step forward. Inko mirrors the action. He snarls, "Weren't you supposed to, I don't know, pick me up!?"

Inko stares at her son as if he had grown a second head. It's almost as if she thinks her actions are actually valid.

Maybe she does.

"I didn't even know you were going to the entrance exams! You never listen when I punish you, so that was the only thing I could do! If you would actually listen to me when I ground you, then you wouldn't have had to walk! I thought you preferred walking, anyway!"

The only thing keeping Izuku from completely loosing his mind is the cat currently rubbing up against his hand. It keeps him grounded, giving him a reason to stay calm.

That being said, he doesn't have enough time or control to rein in his aura before it branches out. The small apartment seems almost suffocating to Inko as she stands still, trying to not let the kid she calls her son win this ongoing battle between them.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Inko's breath catches in her throat as Izuku speaks. "It hurt to fucking move! It only lasted for a little while, sure, but that 'little while' was the entire fucking time I was walking home! AND YOU CALL THAT THE SAME THING AS FUCKING GROUNDING ME!? THAT'S CAUSING ME PHYSICAL PAIN!"

Even through all his yelling, even though his aura was released, even though he was actively letting the tears stream down his face, there was no venom.

Through all of that, there was no venom in his voice.

Because nobody should ever have to try to ignore venom that is lacing someone's tone.

Inko doesn't say anything for a while as Izuku desperately tries to wipe away his tears. Moon climbs up his arm, nuzzling his neck with her head, bringing a slight smile to his face.

Izuku sends ones last glare towards Inko before turning to walk out the door, his breath catches in his throat when he hears his mother say, "You're just like your father." Before the door closes with a deafening click.

He barely has enough time to make it to a rooftop a block away before he completely breaks down.


Moon knows that she has to do something.

Her best friend is currently having what she thinks they call a 'panic attack' on top of a roof.

She may not know exactly what it is, but she knows from the few times her friend has experienced them, that they hurt him.

And sometimes he hurts himself because of them.

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