Chapter 5- Fuck Endeawhore

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Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw!

If I had known that a certain flaming trashcan would be patrolling in the same area as Eraserhead tonight, I would have gone to the other part of town, but nooo!

Instead, I have to run like my life depends on it because Endeawhore can't just leave me the fuck alone!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Didn't you say your suit was fire proof?" Well to answer your question, I'm in a different suit tonight! I've been working on making another one so that when my original one is in shambles, I still have one. I brought it out tonight to give it a test run, and see what needs to be fixed. I still have the gloves, combat boots, belt, batons, and visor, but the only other thing it is is a dark green hoodie, a basic red mask, and some black combat leggings. I made it electric proof because of the gloves, but I haven't had the materials to make it fire or water proof just yet.

And that leaves me in the situation I'm in right now.

Let's rewind, shall we?

/Like, five minutes ago\

I tie up the thugs in front of me and turn to the man they had tried to rob, telling him to call the police before putting a note in the thugs hand, and hopping onto the fire escape and onto the roof. So far, I would say it's been a decently slow night. 

There hasn't really been too many villains out, so I took the chance to climb into a tree, and see just how the new suit had been holding up.

Of course though, the universe can't just give me a break. That would be crazy!

A light catches my eye and I look over, expecting to see a villain or civilian walking along the street with a flashlight or some shit.

What I did not expect to see, however, was the bitch-ass number two hero. Aka, the flaming trashcan. Aka, Endeavor.

Now, this would have been fine. It isn't like this is the first time I've seen him. All I need to do is wait for him to walk out of earshot range, jump out of the tree without making a sound -cause I'm a paranoid bitch-, and go over to the other part of town to finish up my patrol. Not a problem, right?

Well, turns out, after getting beat up, told to kill myself, having a mental breakdown, getting attacked by a villain,  being told by the number one I can't become a hero, and saving the person who told me to kill myself from the same villain, the universe is STILL not done fucking with me today! Goddammit!

You know how I said I was sitting in a tree? Well, I was decently close to the top. Normally, I would make sure the branch I was sitting on was able to hold my weight without a problem. Today though, I was slightly distracted, y'know, cause of all the shit I just mentioned?

Long story short, the branch broke and I fell all the way to the ground and ended up on my ass. Fun!

Needless to say, Edeawhore heard, and now he is chasing me! He got a pretty good blast on my back too, so now I have to fix this suit, and my back!


And that, my dear friends, leads us to now! The only reason I even came out tonight was so that I could clear my mind! Testing out the suit was just a bonus!

Anyway, I am currently running as fast as sonic rip-off as to not get my ass burnt to a crisp! Fun, right?


Okay so maybe it isn't really fun, but at least I get to run off some energy, right?

"You damn villain! GET BACK HERE!" Endeawhore growls. Damn, are we sure he has a fire quirk and not an animal one? The bitch literally growled at me! I feel bad for his children!

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