Chapter 11- Ignore It

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It's already four? Fucking shit.

In case you need a reminder of what has happened so far today, here you go!

I entered the U.A gates for the entrance exam and said some emotional shit. After that, I was floating, cause, you know, logic. Then, I wanted to die because I was seated next to Kacchan. Kacchan the decided to be a bitch and Hizashi called him a dandelion. Then, he started to explain all the shit we needed to know when Minigenium decided to also be a bitch. I went off. After that, Hizashi pulled me to the side when we were leaving, and I was an emotional shit again until he screamed "GO!" and the exam started! One thing lead to another and I electrocuted a shit ton of robots while also saving the bitches I was up against. Then the big ass hoe decided to pop its face in and say hi to its children! Sorry to say, but momma bot got electrocuted by yours truly to save a floaty bitch!

But guess what!? It gets better!

I also electrocuted myself and ended up passing out! Apparently before I woke up our local hobo called my birth giver! Ah yes, the joy! Some suspicious shit went down, and whoop-de-do when I wake up I'm getting asked if I'm getting abused at home! I bullshit my way through that, and then fucking yeet myself out that door as fast as I possibly could!

This has been one hell of a day!

And I have no doubt it is about to get even worse. Because yes, that is possible.

I currently stand outside of my apartment with my hand outstretched, hovering directly above the door nob. If I move my hand even a centimeter, it would touch.

I'm not going to lie, I am scared. Not terrified. I've felt what terrified is. This is scared. There's a difference.

Yes, that was important to mention.

Back on topic.

I hesitantly place my hand on the silver door nob, looking up to stare at the name plate that has 'Midoriya' on it in simple, bold lettering.

I take a deep breath, letting it out before tightening my hold and turning the handle.

'Now or never, right?'

I enter the apartment, taking a small step inside before closing the door lightly behind me. I start making my way to my bedroom, silently walking through the halls.

Slipping into my room, I take off my shoes and backpack, laying them both down beside the door.

Of course, things can't just go my way. That would be fucking insane. So, despite my best efforts to be absolutely silent, I step on who knows what, which, of course, makes a sound. And, of course, the house was as quiet as a mouse when I stepped on it.

The worst part is that I can't even be mad. Why? Because I'm the dumbass that left the electrical part out.

"Izuku?" Fuck me.

Not literally. Ew.

I turn around, kicking whatever I stepped on under my bed, and stare into my mothers green orbs.

My moms name is Inko Midoriya, and she's the person I get most of my looks from. Her hair is a lighter shade of green then mine, and lacks the dark black shadows. She's an inch shorter then me, and wears a basic pink top and a black skirt.

And her eyes.

As stated before, she has bright green eyes. While they are normally filled with happiness and slight worry, today that happiness has been replaced by anger.

I have three options here.

A. Play dumb.

B. Run away.

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