Before we begin

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I'm going start this by saying that life is strange. I'm not going to say my name so instead you can call me: Hearts. I started a group with my friends where we nickname each other after the symbols on a deck of cards, but I'll get more into that later. I want to tell you everything from the beginning. 

Freshman year

I started high school in 2015. That's where I met Spades and Diamonds and Clubs. Technically that's where the story began. I met Spades in my Italian class, after the teacher changed my seat. The first thing I said to her was," Hi, Do you like anime?" That's when I saw her smile and we became friends. We would always hug and just be happy. Before anyone starts shipping this I have to clarify that i'm an undeniably straight female.

I met Diamonds through a mutual friend. He seemed like a nice person, and that's because he is. We didn't really get that close freshman year though.

I saw Clubs in the halls, but we never actually talked. He was a kid that I knew existed but that I didn't have class with so we never talked. 

Sophomore year

Sophomore year we all had connecting friend groups. It was like this big umbrella group that split into like 4 subsections. That's when Spades introduced me to her friend May and we formed our mini-group. In our trio, I shipped both of them with Diamonds and Clubs and they shipped me with an old friend of mine named Kevin. That's also when we met their friend John: who is from another school. 

Spades and Clubs were always the cutest most likely to become a couple. I could see it from a mile away. They would talk to each other like they were in a romance movie. After Sophomore year Diamonds moved away and I honestly never thought i'd ever see him again. I wasn't very attached to him, but every once in a while we'd have a really deep conversation. One time, two girls came up to us and we asked me if i'd ever date him. I said," It depends." 

He said,"Wrong answer." What he meant was, no offense, but don't encourage this or they won't stop.

I responded with,"I mean, if someone held a gun to my head, i'd have no choice." That's all that I remember from that day. That was literally the most we've interacted before he moved to a different state.

Junior year

Junior year, I got real life ghosted by my so called friend Kevin. If you don't know what that means, it's basically when someone just pretends they don't know you anymore out of nowhere. I don't care about that though. I also noticed that Spades and Clubs were becoming closer. It was obvious that they had a crush on each other.       

May was getting used to the idea of moving across the country. We were also expanding our group to 3 other girls that were in a different subsection than us. 

Senior year

Before I knew it, It was junior year and May was gone. The other girls told me that she was fake and that she talked about me behind my back. I cut her off but, I had to be careful because Spades had fond memories of her. The other girls were there for us, especially when I had a mental breakdown at lunch. It was because at that moment, I learned where I stood. Earlier that day Kevin was bragging to me about having a girlfriend but refused to tell me who it was. She was my friend so she told me. He didn't even trust me with his birthday, I barely knew anything about him. We became perfect strangers. 

Spades got a valentine from another boy. It was cute, but she didn't like him back. It was around this time that we all started thinking about prom. Of course I knew that I was going with Spades. 

At prom we ate, and danced and since there were so many people that it got hot really fast. We went to the courtyard to get some fresh air. We saw Diamonds again and he asked us if we would help him get Clubs to dance. Luckily I had the perfect person for the job. Spades got him to dance in a matter of 10 seconds.   

After prom, Everyone stopped caring. Unfortunately Clubs had technological issues with his phone and couldn't call, text, or turn it on. We were like zombies waiting for graduation. Graduation was a mess but that's a different story.   

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