Chapter 6: Intense Tactics

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Testing reactions

Wednesday came around fast. I had been trying to test Clubs by reminding him of the moments where another guy was interested in Spades. I thought that he'd give off some indication that he was jealous. Telling Spades that he liked her clearly did nothing unless I had enough proof. I didn't tell Diamonds about it because I didn't need help. I didn't want to bother him unless I reached a roadblock. I had everything under control.

After countless arguing, Spades and I made a plan. I would tell Clubs that a guy on Instagram was interested in Spades. If he reacted in any way that proved he was jealous, we'd go from there. 

The day started off with us hanging out on a Saturday as usual. I set an alarm on my phone that sounded like my ringtone. We were mixing the batter for cupcakes when the alarm went off. I dismissed it and said," so guys I have a confession to make"

Spades played along and replied,"What did you do?" in a worried tone.

I continued with," There's this guy that I am friends with on Instagram and I may have shown him Spades' picture. He is interested."

Spades is an amazing actress. She yelled," YOU SHOWED MY PICTURE TO A STRANGER!" Her face turned as if she was actually mad at me. 

I said," No, He's not a stranger, We graduated middle school together." I hoped that we'd draw a reaction from Clubs, but he kept a poker face.

Spades literally was sitting on the kitchen floor pretending to have a mental breakdown until I decided to end things. I told Clubs that it was a prank and left out the part where Spades was in on it. Still, I could see no change in his demeanor. We went back to making cupcakes and pretended like it never happened. I know that Diamonds didn't approve of this so I did the logical thing and just didn't tell him. 

 Text Interrogation

The next Wednesday, I decided to ask," hey, has either of you guys ever been friend-zoned."

Clubs immediately responded with," No, but that's because I never actually asked." it was another 2 minutes when he replied again with,"Wait we do know someone who has been friend-zoned. 

He was talking about the guy that liked Spades in high school. I knew I could work this conversation into something helpful.

I responded with," I wonder what would've happened if he asked her out."

Clubs texted back," I'm glad it didn't. That's the worse alternate time like I could think of.  "

I continued with," And why is that?" he didn't respond so I pressed further. "The only downside I see is her saying no, but if she didn't and was happy then, there's no downside. If anyone objects to this statement, speak now or forever hold your peace."

after ten minutes he replied back with,"My biggest issue is that I can't vibe with him. Knowing that someone like him being with someone so close to me as Spades would be like a stab to the heart."

The rest of the conversation went like this

Me: "Good thing we both know that she's 100% not interested in him."

Clubs: "Dude I hate to say this, but I was unbelievably happy when hearing that."

Me: "Yea, I feel bad for him. I mean, he even got her chocolate and a Teddy bear for Valentines Day."

Clubs: "If it wasn't Spades, I would feel bad, but unfortunately for him I feel great about it."

Me: "That sounds mean, but I get it. Wait, so if it was someone different like...Diamonds, you'd feel differently?"

Clubs: "Naw, same feeling. I know Diamonds and it would not end good. I'd have to do a lot of stuff to stop that from happening."

Me: "So is there anyone you'd be fine with her dating?"

Clubs: "I'm not going to answer that, I'm on my way home."

Me: "Not answering is an answer within itself." 

 It was then that Spades looked through the texts. She called me to ask me what the hell just happened. I told her that I found the evidence that she was looking for. That day she told me that she wanted to confess her feelings but didn't know the right time. This was definitely big enough news for me to report to Diamonds.  

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