Chapter 14: Alone again

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A week later, we made plans to do the same thing with Clubs. It was supposed to be perfect timing because it was right before he went on vacation with his family. We'd finally get to see him after 3 months. Spades came up wit the condition that we bring our own drinks this time. No one objected.

I woke up around 4 am and started playing my new Mmorpg game. I had created a character with an origin that is based on  an alternate universe of my dungeons and dragon character. She is Malice, a brave warrior. The sad part is that her mother doesn't like or want her. Despite that she has a step sister that stepped up to fulfill the motherly role.

After about an hour, I decided to try to go back to sleep. It became evident that I was just too awake. I was so excited that things were starting to go back to normal.  

I  watched Degrassi for the next 3 hours and then I saw that Clubs texted the group chat. He wanted to know if he could invite John to hang out with us. We didn't mind at all. He was nice and didn't cause any problems. As far as I'm concerned, he could hang out with us whenever he wanted to. 

 2 hours later I decided to go and eat breakfast. I wasn't really hungry, but I didn't want to leave the house  on an empty stomach. Spades would be so mad if I skipped breakfast. I ate some cereal and went to go choose my clothes. I unlocked my phone to check the weather app and saw that Clubs texted again. Something important came up and he couldn't hang out with us. He apologized, but it wasn't his fault. This is just how life works.

I texted Spades to see if she still wanted to go. I showered and got dressed. After an hour finally answered. She said yes and I went to find my new mask. I found one on amazon that was black with the Nightwing symbol on it. It was not the smartest choice for going outside in 90 degree weather, but I love him so I would've done it anyway.

I made sure I had everything before I left. I walked to the first store and bought a soda, remembering Spades' statement. Then I started walking to another store farther out to but some whipped cream. My mother doesn't like whipped cream so it's up to me to get it and the stores closer to my house are out of stock.

I check my phone and see that Spades also had to cancel. I needed time to think and try not to feel bummed out so I went to the park anyway. It wasn't the same. No morbid funeral jokes, No swinging together, No laughing. 

I saw a bunch of little kids playing and running with their friends, cousins, siblings and parents. I got on the swings and put in my headphones. Music made me forget for 3 minutes at a time. The moment the songs ended, I remembered that I was alone again. The only difference is that I was outside this time. 

Two young girls came running toward the swings, so I got off. I let them swing while I ate some of my whipped cream. I was content until The wind blew my whipped cream into the dirt. Soon I started walking toward a little restaurant that was close to Spades' house. They have like tater tots but instead of being from potatoes, it's whatever ingredient you choose from the menu.

I had mine filled with cheese because it tastes like mozzarella sticks. I went back to the park again and sat on a bench. Imagine seeing someone eating on a bench alone at a park. Sounds pathetic right, Well that pathetic person was me. Going to the park alone didn't work, it just made me miss my friends more. After eating, I'd decided to go home.  After all, I needed to write the next chapter. I was finally in the right mood anyway.

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