Chapter 5: One on One Time

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After that classes started and luckily for me, mine started on Thursday. My first class was Public speaking. It's a speech class. I was in denial during this time, trying to pretend I didn't have a sex dream about one of Clubs' closest friends. I was hoping that if I ignored it, it'll go away and we won't have to have that awkward conversation. Imagine telling someone that you barely know, "Hey, the night before you went home I had a sex dream about you." That takes an amount of courage that I just don't have. 

We made Saturdays our escape days. We'd hang out and escape everything that stressed us out. Spades decided that she wanted me to go to the gym with her on Fridays. I agreed because she's my friend and if she wanted us to work out together, i'd at least try. We couldn't ask Clubs to join us, because he had to work. What I didn't expect was how intense Zumba was. Luckily Spades wanted to go for ice-cream after.  

Mondays were the days where I had class in the same building as Clubs. Luckily, if I got out of my class early enough I could catch him at work. He worked in the technology center of the college, where his job was to teach the students and staff about all of the technological resources available. I just stumbled upon the tech room one day and found him. I went back every Monday to check up on him and see how he was doing.

One on one time meant that I could talk to them separately with less pressure. The only downside was if Clubs suspected that I was a spy. I know that he'd assume I was working for Spades and wouldn't be comfortable trusting me. For this to work, I needed them both to trust me. It's weird for me to think like this because I don't want to forget that these are my friends.

 While I was doing this for Spades, she had no idea the full extent of what I was doing. With Spades, I could ask her how she felt about her emotions and if she felt uncomfortable, I could change the subject to one of my secrets. It was only fair that we traded secrets, It's not like I didn't trust her.  

The Second Saturday of the new semester, I decided to back out of hanging out so that I could give Spades and Clubs some alone time. I texted Diamonds this plan and he was happy about it. 

He thanked me for being his spy. Even though I use that word often to describe my role in the whole operation, It means a lot more to me than that. The only other person to call me a spy was an internet stranger that i'd talked to on Discord. The difference is that I can explain what happened with the internet guy, I got bored. I don't know why I felt strange when Diamonds said it. This was about more than the dream that I had. It felt like more than just a word. Something was off with me but, I couldn't pinpoint it just yet.

 I played it cool and just replied," No Problem." He didn't need to know that I was freaking out over one three letter word.I couldn't make things more unstable by being weird. He'd probably assume that I went through some traumatic experience or something. This wasn't about me though, It was about our extremely dense friends. I couldn't jeopardize their happiness because of one word.

Unfortunately our plan failed and Clubs cancelled on Spades. I informed Diamonds about it and he said he'd look into it. That's why it's important to have someone investigating both sides. I'm glad I had him to help me make sure Clubs was ok. It's important to remember that above everything these are our friends. We'd never want to hurt them. We just had to save them from their own inhibitions. I usually minded my own business but, it was too late to turn back now. 

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