Chapter 4: Headache

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 I was up all night wondering if this was the right thing to do. I kept arguing with myself about what happens if i'm making a mistake. I was talking to myself saying," Am I a good friend? What happens if Spades gets her heart broken? What exactly am I risking by getting involved? Should I just quit? What if we're only driving them further apart? Do I put my friendship on hold and just see Spades as my mission?" I was literally pacing around my room at 3am worrying about what I had gotten myself into and worse, what I had gotten Spades into. 

I told myself that everything would be ok. I would be helping Spades and she would be happy in the end. Those thoughts put me to sleep. I texted Diamonds the next day and we tried to make plans as soon as possible but, Clubs has other friends that wanted to hang out. I started my mission by asking Spades about her feelings towards Clubs. I reported everything that wasn't too personal to Diamonds. 

Diamonds had a limited amount of time before he had to go back home so the mission mainly fell on my shoulders. By the time I started getting information, he had only hours left. 

The next day Spades forms a conference call with me and Clubs to see if we still wanted to hang out even though she had fallen ill. We agreed that since she was sick we didn't want her to be all alone.

 I arrived to her apartment first and we talked. I told her that the night before I had a sex dream about Diamonds. I felt like I had to yell the words," I. DON'T. WANT. TO. FUCK. HIM." Something in my mind kept saying the opposite. I was freaking out internally and even though she was sick, Spades helped me calm down. 

Spades decided that we should prank call Clubs and tell him that I was lost. When he answered the phone, she put it on speaker. She said," Hey, Do you know what happened to Hearts, she told me she was on her way, but never showed up." 

He answered with,"Seriously, You'd think she'd be there by now, I wonder what happened." I was trying not to laugh and ruin the whole prank. 

she responded with,"So what do you think of Hearts, anyway."

Clubs, then admitted that he thought I was a slut because of my Dungeons and Dragons character. I was so offended that my jaw dropped. For the record, I only made her into a hooker because it's funny. 

Spades told him,"You know that she isn't like that in real life, right?"

He replied with"But the fact that she is pretending to be, it's just...."

Spades ended the conversation and we laughed. I said," I can't believe he actually thinks i'm a slut." we started laughing again. It felt good making Spades laugh even though she was sick.     

Soon Clubs was at the door and Spades told me to hide in the closet for phase 2 of our prank. I hid with all of my stuff and she went to go answer the door. I muted my ringer on my phone in case someone called. Spades decided to call me. That didn't work because he heard me. The prank failed.  

I got out of the closet and hugged Spades. I looked at clubs and said," I heard what you said. don't worry, all is forgiven." I really didn't care because it didn't matter. What mattered was making Spades happy and he made her laugh.

I went into the bathroom to settle my thoughts. I was confused on whether I should continue with my mission that day or just hang out. I looked in the mirror and asked myself, "What's more important, helping my friends or letting them be delusional and oblivious?" 

 The next thing I knew, I was being summoned by Spades. I left them alone for 2 minutes and they were arguing over who gets to lay on the couch. I had to attack Clubs with pillows because, well that's what Spades told me to do. It was all in good fun though.

 After that was settled, I grabbed my phone and looked at my discord messages again. I looked over my shoulder to see the lovebirds almost doing what looked like the famous Spider-man kiss. I got out my little spiral notebook and wrote that down before they saw me.  They didn't actually kiss, Spades accidentally slapped Clubs'glasses across the room. 

He quickly went to go grab them and make sure that they weren't broken. They were fine, except for a few scratches. we decided to watch an anime called: Panty and Stocking with Garter-belt.  Watching it was more fun since we were together. We had to pause it like 10 times because we kept making jokes. I also kept repeating Panty Anarchy's catch phrases. 

Before we knew it, it was almost time to leave and we had to say goodbye. I take another look at my discord messages and tell myself that," I can do this, for her". I turned around to see that Spades migrated from the couch to the floor and Clubs was trying to give her a hug. I'm not going to lie, it was weird and yet, somehow adorable. I'm pretty sure I heard him whisper the words," I love you" to her. I gave them some space but, then Spades told me to get involved. I really didn't want to because clearly they were having a moment but, she didn't seem to care. I joined the weird hug for like 5 seconds before I let go. I put on my coat and left.

When I got home I wrote down everything that could help me with my mission. I didn't feel the need to report this day to Diamonds. Maybe it was because I needed space to forget about the dream I had about him. I just had to find the right way to make Spades realize that their relationship has clearly past the platonic line.  

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