Chapter 12: Waiting

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A  week later, Spring break started. I was excited to go spend time with my friends. We didn't know what would happen with the Corona-virus so I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. Unfortunately Diamonds was too far away and we didn't want to call because we don't know his work hours. 

We went to the park twice and  had a mall adventure. It rained at the park but, we wore hoods. I wouldn't trade that day for anything. We had limited time at the mall so we only got what was essential. Spades needed concealer, Clubs needed foundation and I wanted food. 

We would've planned more adventures but some of us were going to be busy with other things.

In the middle of spring break, was when quarantine started. I worried about my friends, my family and the world. I've never been through this before. This was the beginning of a very long waiting game. 

At first, we would video chat twice a week. usually it would be around night time, when we weren't in class.   

Soon, they were too busy to chat. The colleges wanted us to be doing more work and my friends barely had any free time. 

All the days seemed to mush together. I missed the days when we could've just went out to Wendy's. I missed walking to the Spanish restaurant with Spades so she can get her mother an empanada. I missed the taste of freedom that I just acquired, only to have it stripped away.  

I did my school work, but that didn't distract me from how much I missed my friends. They didn't have time for me anymore because they had to really focus on their classes. As much as I missed them, I didn't want to distract them. They had harder classes than me and I couldn't be the reason why they failed.

I wasn't that close to diamonds so I couldn't talk to him. Our mission was over, he had no need for me anymore, so I couldn't have a need for him. Things would be really awkward if he found out about the dream that kick-started my feelings.

 I had to find someone to talk to before I completely lost my mind. I found myself back on a dress up and chat game that I probably shouldn't have been using. Most of the people who talked to me to were guys that found my character attractive. I made sure that this time I didn't give them any way to contact me alternatively. Discord was only for my friends, not anymore internet guys. It helps that none of the guys were as nice as the first one.

Before you get confused, I didn't fall in love with this internet stranger. I just appreciate how we could talk for months and joke around without him being a total asshole. He didn't pressure me to tell him my name or anything. These new guys just don't understand that I don't have to tell them anything. 

We're chatting through a game, it's not I didn't join the game to find an online boyfriend. I joined to find someone that I can talk to and roleplay with. No feelings, no drama, I know better than to start giving strangers my info.

I promised Spades that I wouldn't talk to anymore strangers through discord. I knew better than to let that happen again.  As nice as the last guy was, He was still a stranger.  He also seemed clingy and I can't handle clingy guys. 

Eventually I changed my character's name from my initials to Rose. Named after my second guitar, first pocketknife, and the code-name when I was talking to that internet guy. Her full name is Rosalina Blissly Valtora.  I couldn't help myself, I had to create a whole backstory for this character. She has 5 boyfriends because she thinks that it'll be easier to find one that will actually love her.  It's sad actually because two of them are not good guys. 

I realized that I was becoming too attached to this game so, I went on hiatus. I caused hell with my modded sims 4 game. At least I stopped thinking about waiting. 

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