Chapter 2: All Together

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Before I knew it, It was New years and I was spending it with Spades and Clubs. We went to this Spanish restaurant that I used to walk by with Spades  on our way home from school. We all decided to have pasta, but mine had chicken and Clubs chose shrimp. I can't count the number of times I caught him staring at her. I tried to take pictures, but the restaurant was too dark. After eating we asked for the staff to take a picture of us with the flash on. we sent that picture to our friend on discord. Next, we went to burger king, because I had the T-moble Tuesdays app which, had the offer for a free whopper. We got Clubs a burger king crown and made him the king of our group for a little while.

One day, we were planning to go to Wendy's so Spades and I reminded Clubs of our plans so that he didn't forget. Surprisingly, he told us that Diamonds was with him and asked if he can bring him along. We didn't mind at all. I met spades at our meeting spot between our houses and we walked together. We saw the boys across the street and Spades decided to run because apparently getting to Wendy's became a race. I was running with her because i'm her ride or die friend. They saw us and we were too tired to answer any questions. They caught up to us and we walked to the door. 

Opening the door was a hassle because everyone was trying to be polite. I ended it and just walked through. I forgot what the guys had, but the girls had baked potatoes. Soon we saw John walking close and he joined us. Finally we learned the basic rules of Dungeons and Dragons. Diamonds asked if he could join our game and we said yes. The more, the merrier right?

After that we split up. Spades and Clubs were with me at the library, while Diamonds and John went to go run some errands. Spades made us work on a very hard 1000 piece puzzle. Later on Diamonds and John met us at the library and we worked on the puzzle together. After a certain time, Spades and I had to leave. Spades and Clubs gave each other a heart felt goodbye with a cute romantic hug and we left.     

 A few days later, We decided to hang out at Spades' apartment and start the Dungeons and  Dragons game. The night before, we asked for help creating our character backgrounds and were given the response "but we're watching anime."

 Spades was furious and we decided to be petty and create an outrageous story and give not so subtle hints. Here's a tip: Don't do that with two experienced Dungeon Masters.   

 We met the guys at Walgreens and Spades decided to sneak up on them by running through the aisles  It was at like 11am. They saw us, but they didn't say anything. They paid for a bunch of snacks and Spades drove us to her apartment.

 We started rolling for our stats and going over spells and races and a bunch of rules and risks. We played like 30 minutes of Dungeons and Dragons before turning to something else. We decided to try a game called Monster Prom.  Monster Prom is a monster themed game about getting impressing a classmate so they'll go to prom with you. I didn't take it seriously and half read the questions. The guys took the game way too seriously and looked at me like I was crazy. I regret nothing. Spades and Clubs were the winners. I consoled a fake crying Diamonds and we then we ate Pizza. 

 After eating, I got a call from my younger brother because I had to help him with his homework. I tell the squad and Spades drives us home. She drops off the boys first and we joke around a little before she arrives at my house. She drops me off and we make plans for the next time.  

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