Chapter 13: Trying Again

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I didn't understand how my brother and his friends could hang out together when I couldn't be with my squad. Dying didn't matter to me as much as friendship. I have had a couple of near death experiences and honestly, they don't scare me as much as the thought of never seeing my friends again.

It had been 3 months since I had seen or hung out with Spades and I was losing my mind. One day, she called me at 7 am and asked if I could stay on the phone with her while she ordered two egg Mcmuffins from Mcdonald's. We talked throughout her whole journey, even when she realized that she left one of the sandwiches at the restaurant.

I thought my emotions were complicated but, this girl really went through the five stages of grief over a sandwich. A FREAKING SANDWICH. I still had to talk her out of walking all the way back to get it. No wonder we're best friends, we're both crazy as hell. At least my shenanigans take place during a reasonable hour.

Seriously though, I don't mind her waking me up for things like this. We laugh and treasure the moment. It's like we're together again and that's what I needed. Spades and I planned to have a real adventure a few days later.

The plan was to go to Wendy's, a Chinese food restaurant, and the park. We didn't have the courage to walk through the Wendy's drive-thru. Especially when there was a whole bunch of cars lining up.

We walked to the Chinese restaurant and Spades ordered her food. Then we went to the Pizza hut next door and ordered a personal pizza for me while we waited. During this whole process I was explaining Rose to her and how unintentionally funny some guys on the internet are. They don't understand that Rose doesn't exist and I don't want to be with them.

After getting the food we made a trip to Stop and shop to get drinks. I had Snapple and she had brisk tea. Then we headed over to the park.

Two steps into the park and I asked," Hey, so if I die, but I have a kid, will you do me a favor and take care of them for me?"

She replied," Yea, if they're little, but if they are like thirty then no."

I laughed and clarified," That's what I meant."

We made more jokes about my funeral as we sat down and ate on a small concrete wall. When we were done eating, we ran to the swings and made more jokes. the swings had locks on them, joining them together, but that didn't stop us.

We made more jokes about people's reactions to my request. We guessed how the guys would feel about it. The scenario is purely hypothetical and even if it does happen, I can't be blamed. I'll be dead.

We took pictures together and tried to video call Clubs to make him feel included. He was busy, so he didn't hear her ratting me out about everything we had just discussed. I'm kinda glad that he didn't hear it though, Other people aren't supposed to know until I'm dead.

We kept swinging until our buts got tired. I have to admit that it's double the work when the swings are tied together, but it's also double the fun. When we got off, some little kids got on and Spades helped one of them. He couldn't swing by himself so she went over and pushed him. It was a sweet gesture but at the same time, how would his parents react?

Luckily for us, we didn't have to find out. We honestly didn't see his parents but, I knew that they had to be there somewhere. Who would leave a toddler in a park alone?

Soon after, we threw away our trash and left the park. We walked over to Spades' house and all the way there I read her parts of my new story. She was offended by some of the jokes, but I didn't mean anything by them. Then, we decided that we would edit together.

She said that eventually we'll have to show the guys, but I was unsure at first. There are a bunch of things in here that they don't know, Especially Diamonds. I'm not scared of what he'll think of me, I have my whole kingdom to think about. I risked more than enough when I admitted my feelings for him. No more throwing stones in our glass castle. 

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