Chapter III • Maiden of the Stars

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I chose to do the English version of this opening because I thought it was important to hear the lyrics since it connects to this chapter. 




- S P L A S H -



All my senses are suppressed. I can't smell anything. I can barely hear anything or see anything. All I taste is the salty water forcing its way into my lungs. All I feel is this water carrying me with its current, as well as this feeling of uselessness. I can't move. Scratch that. Maybe I just don't want to move. The longer I stay underwater, the longer I can cry in silence. I can't stay awake for much longer. My eyelids are getting heavier by the second. Being tired of trying to keep them open, I close them, dozing off into a deep sleep.


"Yo Mira! Y'know where Luce went?" I questioned the oldest of the take over siblings as she washed the dishes at the bar. I haven't seen Luce since we made it back to the guild hall around an hour ago.

"She said she was gonna head home," Mira answered politely as she gently placed a few cups into the cabinet over her head.

"Aye!" Happy replied, following me as I ran out of the guild doors. Walking towards Luce's house, I get this sad feeling. I shrug it off, following Happy to Luce's house.


I slowly lift my eyes, only for them to hurt at the sight of the bright sunlight through coming in through the window. I push myself up onto my shoulders, looking around at my surroundings. There wasn't anything I recognized. I was on a plain twin-sized bed with a blue-gray blanket that covered a majority of my body. The only light coming into the room was from a window next to the bed. There were a few empty bookshelves stuffed in the corner, as well as an old wooden desk that looked as if it was going to collapse at even the slightest touch.

"Where am I?" I muttered to myself, remembering that I fell into the river near my house.

"We're in an abandoned cabin I found. We're located just outside Magnolia." I hear a voice in a room over. The walls must have been paper-thin for whoever that is to hear me.

"W-Who's there?" I managed to stutter, surprised someone else was here. I heard light footsteps coming closer as I continue to internally panic about who I was with. For all I know, they could be a murderer!

"Calm down," a female said as she appeared from behind a doorway. "I saved you from drowning in your own misery," she added. I hum as if it was some sort of response.

She walked closer, making me put my guard up even more. She sat at the foot of the bed, staring at me intently. She had black hair that appeared dark purple when light shined on it. Her hair appeared to reach to her lower back, just above her waist. She had dazzling purple eyes that seemed like the whole galaxy was in there. She was pale and petite, not being much taller than Wendy. She wore a black cloak that covered the rest of her body.

As I focus on her even more, I realize that she's the presence that I've been searching for. That powerful aura I've been feeling since I got back from that mission. "Who are you?" I managed to say, still being amazed by her presence.

"My name is Callista. Callista Orion. Maiden of the stars," she replied in a monotone voice. My eyes widened. Maiden of the stars? Just who is this girl? (This is a character from another story that I've written that I may or may not publish)

"Lucy Heartfilia, it's time to return home," she said as softly smiled.

"Home? What are you talking about? I am home," I replied, still in shock. What the hell is she talking about? She must be one of them kidnappers!

"You, Lucy Heartfilia, are Goddess of the Stars." She smiled. "And I am your loyal servant." Shock soon fills my body once again. What is this girl talking about? 

"I-I think you have the wrong person," I stuttered, even though this girl named 'Callista' clearly said my name. 

She sighs. "Lucy Heartfilia. Daughter of my beloved king and queen, Jude and Layla Heartfilia, god and goddess of the stars," she insisted. "And since they both passed away, this responsibility is now passed down to you," she continued to explain.

"W-What?" I stressed. What is going on?

"Please believe that what I'm telling is the truth. Right now, we need to train you," she insisted.


"Your family."


If you're still confused when you finish this chapter, just imagine Callista is singing this. Imagining that should make it make more sense. This song is also kind of a preview of what you're gonna read in later chapters.

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