Chapter 3 : A New Beginning

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Percy woke up in a bed. Strange. He looked around to see if anyone was there.

"You're awake,Master Perseus."

He quickly turned around,unconciously putting his hand in his pocket to grab Riptide. Percy's hand reached in his pocket but he couldn't find his sword. That wasn't possible.

The voice came from a tall, brown haired woman. She looked like a priestess, with a white chiton adorning her body.

"Who are you?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I cannot tell you that,Master Perseus. Please follow me, my master is waiting for you." She gestured towards the door.

He sighed and stood. The lady led him to what seems like a throne room. Black doors welcomed him. Gold, silver and bronze decorated the room. A throne stood in the middle, a man sitting on top of it.

Percy scanned the room. It made the throne room in Olympus a garbage dump. The man sitting on the throne stood up. He was a tall man with long black hair. Eyes that stare into your soul made him scary. He was elegant.... regal.

"Hello, Percy Jackson." His tone calm and serious "My name is Chaos, Creator of the universe."

Percy's eyes widened at the revelation and quickly knelt down. He didn't want to be in the Creator's bad side.

"No need for formalities. It makes me look old."Percy stood up. Chaos wasn't like any of the gods he has seen. Those stuck up gods too absorbed in their pride to care about others.

"I have an offer to give you."Chaos looked at Percy intently, indicating that he was serious."It will give you a chance to start a new chapter in life and to forget your past as Percy Jackson, Hero of Olympus, but to start anew as another person.

Percy knew he couldn't resist the offer. He couldn't go back to his friends even if he wanted to.

" I accept." His tone unwavering.

Chaos smiled at him as a beam of wlhite and black hit him. He felt the excruciating pain of betrayal from his friends and sadness for leaving his friends behind. Percy felt his alter ego and himself merge.

Memories flashed in his mind. The happy memories of he and his friends laughing at casual jokes. Connor and Travis pranking the other cabins while he either helped them or pretended not to know anything. Casual dates with Annabeth near the lake and the small kisses that they would share. But came the bad memories. Akhyls drowning in her own poison while he drowns her to death with her own domain. The torture in Tartarus, the friends that he lost and their faces of hurt and disgust as they look at him. Each of them broke him apart, piece by piece, as his thirst for revenge grew stronger.

He saved them TWICE and they repay him with what, betrayal and suspicion. Battles were won because of his help. He had enough of wiping the Olympians's asses everytime they have a problem. Percy opened his eyes with newfound strength.

" I, Chaos, Creator of the Universe, rename you as Winter, the first season." Power flowed to Percy. It was strong and ancient.

He felt a cold wind brush his back so he looked back and saw wings. They were black, midnight black with traces of ice. His wings were 14 ft in wingspan.

He stretched them and folded them. It felt like he grew another set of arms. Chaos watched in amusement as his new subject experimented in wonder with his new-found powers.

"Winter, as you are the first season, you will meet the other seasons, Spring, Summer and Autumn. I have called them here so you can be familiar with them. You will work with them in your duties so it is best if you will be friends and get along with each other." Interrupting Percy, Chaos spoke and commanded the three seasons to appear.

Spring was a tall man. A little bit shorter than Percy. His hair was blonde and had striking electric blue eyes. A green and black shirt fit his chest along with oversized pants.

*Imagine that but replace the red with green and his hair is blonde

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*Imagine that but replace the red with green and his hair is blonde.

The guy approached Percy. " Hey, Winter, nice to meet you. My name is Spring, the first season." Spring reached out his hand as if to shake hands. Percy nodded and shook his hand. He was more of the relaxed type.

Next was Summer, the guy was the shortest. He had black hair and was wearing a white shirt with jumpers. Skipping towards me, he said. "Hello, Winter. Nice to meet cha. My name is Summer, the second season."He flashed me a smile that reminded me of Apollo.

Autumn was the quiet guy

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Autumn was the quiet guy. He walked to me and nodded. "Autumn,third season." An oversized jacket and a scarf with black jeans. He had black hair and was a bit taller than Summer but still smaller than Spring.

Quietly, he walked back to his place.

After the Seasons had met,Chaos told them to resume with their duties and that he will call them when he needs their help

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After the Seasons had met,Chaos told them to resume with their duties and that he will call them when he needs their help.

The Seasons ran outside and spread their wings and fly.

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