Chapter 12 : The Oracle

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Percy woke up inside a cell. Classic. His hands were bound by metal handcuffs and his feet were tied to the wall.

" what do I do." Percy stood up but winced. He didn't remember getting hurt during the battle. Iapetus probably threw him in there, literally.

Percy didn't have to wait for a long time before a person decided to visit him.

"Percy Jackson, or do you prefer Winter." the person's eyes glinted mischievously. It reminded him of the Hermes cabin whenever they planned someone.

"Just Winter." He replied. It's what he goes by now.

"My name is Order and you should have heard about me from my wonderful brother." His voice was laced with sarcasm.

Percy's face turned grim. Order was the complete opposite of Chaos. Chaos was the primordial of creation, who breathed life into everything. On the other hand, Order's aura had a dangerous feeling to it. Percy felt like Order was a monster who destroys everything in his path.

"What do you want?" Percy didn't hesitate anymore.

"I like you, Percy. Your sense of loyalty is strong. If you supported me, you would be my greatest ally." Order chuckled, "But you aren't, so I have no choice but to defeat you."

Order almost looked sad for him but his face quickly changed.

"Winter, I wonder why you never killed the people who betrayed you. Is it because of your past relationships that you still can't let go or is it your sense of justice?"

Order grabbed a sphere. It looked like a container to hold something powerful. It was made of Primordial Silver, a metal that even primordials cannot break unless forged using the essence of the Void.

The primordial raised his hands and chains appeared on Percy's hands, chaining him to the wall.

"Let go of me!" Percy struggled to get out but it was too late.

Order stepped closer to him, holding the sphere in his hands. Percy's eyes focused in on the sphere. It was black and emitted a deathly aura.

The sphere floated and split into pieces, entering his body.

Excruciating pain welcomed him. He fell to his knees, feeling extremely weak. Percy tried to move and stand again but his body wouldn't listen to his commands. After a few minutes, his eyes glazed over and he felt his control over his body slip from his fingers.

"Welcome, Winter."

The chains holding him vanished and his body knelt down against his will. Percy knew that he couldn't do anything.

Brothers, help me.

A/N: "Brothers" are Summer, Spring and Autumn. It's a term of endearment between the Seasons.

Spring woke up right next to Autumn who was already awake, sitting up and fiddling with a dead branch. He looked around to see where he was. It looked like the Apollo Cabin.

He stood up, surprisingly, without any problems. He noticed Summer at the corner of the room near Autumn. Summer was unconscious and bore no signs of waking up.

He immediately tapped in his mind link to check if Winter was anywhere near him but something seems to be blocking him. A bad feeling welled in his gut. He needs to talk to Chiron.

"Don't bother. I already did and he had no answer to my question." Autumn replied as if he read his mind.

"What happened to Winter?"

He put the branch down. " They said he disappeared in the middle of battle and he hasn't returned yet." A look of sadness flashed on his face. "Chiron suspects that Winter was taken by Order. That's the only thing that comes in mind."

Spring can't afford to panic and lose his cool. He had to find Winter before it's too late.


I woke up, sweating. My heartbeat was getting faster. What happened to Percy and the others. A warm hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Are you alright, my boy?" Chiron felt my forehead.

"What happened with Autumn, Spring and Winter?" I asked with a worried expression.

Chiron looked unsure." Autumn and Spring are fine. They had minor injuries only thanks to you but as for Winter," He paused. " He disappeared during the battle and hasn't returned since."

Summer felt relieved that Autumn and Spring were safe but Winter worried him. He knew that Winter could handle himself but that doesn't mean he's invincible.

He knew he had to talk to the others. He tried to stand but he felt intense pain shot up in his foot making him fall.

"You injured your foot during the battle. It won't heal using ambrosia so it has to naturally. You won't be walking for a while." Will explained while helping him sit properly.
The son of Apollo gave him a crutches to keep him mobile but advised him not to strain himself.

Dam it.

"Summer, we should go to the Oracle. Autumn and Spring are waiting." Chiron said interrupting his thoughts.

He grabbed his crutches and started walking. It was a bit uncomfortable but he was able to move properly, at least as much as he can in his state.

They passed the Big House and entered a small cave hidden near the forest. It looked cozy and a bit unused. Paintings and canvases hung on the wall. The room led to another small room at the back.

"My dear, are you there?" Chiron called out.

A few seconds after, they heard a crash from the room at the back. A lady came out of the room. She looked near her 40's and was wearing a Camp Half Blood shirt with jeans. Her messy, red hair covered her face and she had a bit of paint on her clothes.

"Sorry, the paint fell on my the floor after I accidentally knocked it off." She answered.

"Rachel, this is Summer, the third Season. He was part of the reinforcements Chaos sent." Chiron looked at her.

"Summer, this is Rachel Elizabeth Dare. She is the current host of the Oracle of Delphi." He addressed to me.

I was shocked. Last time I saw Rachel was during the Giant War. She has changed a lot since then.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Rachel." She reached out her hand.

"Me too. I'm Summer." I shook her outstretched hand.

I turned to Chiron." Where's Autumn and Spring?"

"They're in the Big House. Let's go, we have much to talk about and we have to visit the Oracle." Chiron gestured outside.

A/N : Here's the chapter you guys have been waiting for. I published it like I promised😁😁. It's going to take a few more days to retrieve the next chapter's file so please wait patiently. Again, I am so sorry😔😔😔.

See you next time! Bye! LadyBeauty out.

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