Chapter 6 : The Seasons

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The Olympians summoned all gods, immortals and demigods alike to Olympus. Another war was coming. Bigger than before.

After a few minutes, everyone settled down.

Zeus's voice boomed in the hallway "Today, I have summoned all of you to discuss the incoming war. Chaos's brother, Order, is planning to rise along with his minions."

Everyone shivered. The last time a primordial caused a war, they lost so many.

Percy wasn't there to fight for them anymore. Nico's brows furrowed remembering his missing friend. Percy suddenly disappeared 15,000 years ago. They couldn't find him anywhere.

The other Seven including him and a few campers were offered immortality for their deeds. Of course they accepted. Camp wasn't the same anymore after Percy left. Annabeth kept on spreading lies about how cruel and irresponsible person Percy was.

The younger demigods of course we're convinced. Annabeth was like a saint to them. Always being a good and honest person.

The moment they banished Percy, they cut ties with Annabeth and refused to talk with her. Everyone in Camp called Percy a traitor. A false hero of Olympus.

Everyday he had to go to Olympus to comfort Poseidon. The lonely sea God would have already faded without his help. Poseidon was devastated for the loss of his son. He, himself was barely holding on. If he didn't promise Percy, he would be gone by now.

They were talking about gathering the forces and whatnot. Nico really didn't care.

The Romans had also arrived. With Reyna in front leading them, the Romans also looked grim. Their sad faces dawned upon us.

30 Minutes Later

A portal opened then a figure stepped out of it. A handsome man, wearing robes as dark as night and eyes that sparkle with creativity. Stars seemed to hang in his clothes.

Everyone wondered who this person is.

"My name is Chaos, Creator of the Universe. I am here to offer my help in the upcoming war." His deep voice echoed throughout the room.

The look of shock painted the gods' faces. Zeus looked offended and was fuming with anger.

"Who are you to interrupt the council of the gods?!"Once again, Zeus's pride will put the world on danger. He looked ready to throw the Master Bolt in Chaos's face.

He was talking to his creator for god's sakes. Athena tried to calm his father along with Hera.

Chaos chuckled."Hold your horses, Zeusy boy and put your little matchstick down. I have summoned the Seasons to help you."

Nico sighed. Finally someone can help them. Even if everyone helped each other there would be no guarantee that we would win much less survive the war.

"They will arrive shortly." He said in a reassuring tone.

As soon as Chaos said that, the rustling of leaves was heard and and a man in green stood beside Chaos.

He bowed down and said "I am Spring, the first Season."

His piercing blue eyes gazed over us, analyzing our every move. He gave Chaos a curt nod as a sign of respect. While tapping his foot on the floor, he looked at the window as if waiting he was waiting for someone.

"I thought Summer would get here first. That idiot is always bragging about how fast he is but he can't even be early in a meeting. He's probably distracted again." Scratching his head, Spring smiled at us apologetically.

As soon as the words left his mouth, A ray of sunshine appeared and blinded us. The gods looked at Apollo accusingly. Apollo brought his hands up. "I didn't do it. "

While the gods were busy staring Apollo down, a tan, black haired boy appeared beside Spring and put his hand around taller one's shoulders. The blonde sighed and swatted the arm away.

"My name is Summer, the second Season. Nice to meetcha" His smile blinded everyone.

Chaos interrupted."Where is Autumn and Winter? I thought we agreed on coming her in time." He shook his head.

It seems that Autumn and Winter are always late. Nico put his hand on his chest. Summer was really familiar. The way he talks and he looks.

Just like Leo. Nico thought. The son of Hephaestus had disappeared after he found out Calypso was cheating on him. Same with Percy. Nowhere to be found.

Nico shook his head. Summer might be as old as Chaos and Leo had brown hair not black.

Interrupting Nico's thoughts, the sound of wind was heard. Autumn had arrived.

He expected Autumn to be relaxed and positive like the others but the teen was quiet. Weirdly quiet. It reminded Nico of his younger self.

"Autumn, the third Season." he said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Spring and Summer started to surround Autumn. With Summer playing with Autumn's hair and Spring poking the black haired's side.

The other two Seasons were expecting something.

" I know you guys have a soft spot for Winter but why do you always expect me to know where he is? It's not like I can track him. He left a note saying he will be late because he's busy. It's his time of the Season after all. " Autumn sighed heavily.

Getting their answers, the other Seasons stopped annoying him.

"Since Winter isn't here, we will move on to our next topic." Chaos summoned a chair and sat on it, gesturing the other Seasons to do the same.

Spring summoned a wooden chair covered with green leaves while Autumn and Summer seemed to be floating in air.

"The Seasons will stay in Camp Half - Blood but they will also visit Camp Jupiter every week. No need to worry about their necessities, they will handle it themselves. " Chaos continued.

"Any questions?" He scanned the room for any hands. " Well then, the meeting is adjourned." Chaos clapped his hands and disappeared.

The Olympians also flashed out leaving the room empty except for the demigods.

Spring stood up and looked at the demigods. "Please guide us to your camps. Thank you." He said politely.

Clarisse looked at the son of Hades, giving Nico a sign to lead the demigods.

Nico huffed and commanded the other Greeks to follow him with the other Seasons in tow.

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