Chapter 8 : Capture The Flag

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Percy returned to the cabins. He forgot that they didn't make one so he just walked around for a while until the rest of the campers woke up.

The first one who greeted him was Spring. Spring hopped towards him. "Morning, Winter. How was your sleep?" The first Season smiled at him genuinely.

"I didn't sleep." He murmured but Spring still heard him.

Putting his hand on Percy's shoulders, he said "Winter, even if we aren't mortals anymore. We're not invincible. Please try and get some sleep. Okay?" Spring pleaded.

He sighed and just nodded. Summer on the other hand, skipped to Spring and put his hands around Winter's shoulders. Autumn quietly followed and sat beside him.

"Good Morning!! So what do we do today? Do you want to prank the Stolls?" Summer's eyes glinted mischievously. That brat always had something in mind.

Spring slapped the back of Summer's head. The conch horn rang throughout the camp.
Hordes of demigods started to come e to the mess hall.

"Let's go, W. It's time for breakfast." Spring dragged the last Season to the mess hall, followed by the other Seasons.

They arrived to the mess hall. The campers were lively. Katie Gardner, daughter of Demeter was chasing Travis and Connor, sons of Hermes. Probably because of another prank they pulled.

Percy walked over to the space beside the Poseidon table. Heput his hand over it and a table of ice formed.

"Hey!! No fair. Why do you get to choose what our table is supposed to look like? " Summer complained. He waved his hand over it and the ice table melted.

In its place, rested a golden table.

"Hey! What about me?" Spring added. He touched the table and vines grew to form one. Autumn facepalmed.

"You idiots, stop fighting. Let's just make one together OK? It's better for everyone that way."He suggested. Percy nodded along with Spring and Summer.

They put their hands on the empty space and a table made of vines, gold, ice and leaves grew.

The other cabins stared at them in awe. They proceeded to sit down and eat.

Percy glanced at the Poseidon table. There were three girls and four boys. They all looked about 12-16. One kid stood out to him. He looked like the oldest. Raven black hair and sea green eyes adorned the kid's face.

I never knew that I had siblings. I wish I could have spent time with them. Maybe I should pay them a visit. Percy thought.

He looked away and just concentrated on eating his food.

30 Minutes Later
Percy sat, waiting for the others to finish. He ate only a little of his portion. He really didn't have the appetite.

Chiron clapped his hands and all campers focused on the centaur.

"Today we will have Capture The Flag. It will be Campers vs the Seasons. No maiming or stabbing is allowed. Everyone prepare and we will start in 20 minutes." Chiron announced.

As soon as Chiron announced it, the mess hall got louder. The campers looked excited and some of them were already planning.

Spring gave Winter the signal and left. Autumn followed soon after saying that he would find a place to build our cabin.

Spring and Autumn slept on trees last night and Summer slept in the Hermes Cabin.

While they were doing that, Winter and Summer planned their strategy.
Their flag will be located near the lake where there are tons of trees. The lake was frozen so Winter can help in case something goes wrong.

Winter will defend the flag while Autumn and Spring will find the campers' flag. Summer will be their cover above. Summer quickly made their flag.

Summer will blind them if something happens and teleport them to Winter.

Everyone assembled in the mess hall. Winter had his twin daggers, Blizzard and Avalanche while Spring had his bow out and Autumn, his sword.

Summer didn't own any weapons. It never worked for him. His powers were enough.

They positioned themselves and set their plan in action. They left Winter near the flag and set off.

He flew above Spring and Autumn but low enough to see Spring. Spring jumped on tree branches while Autumn was out in the open. He was the bait.

Not long after, Autumn found three demigods. A son of Apollo and two sons of Hermes.

The son of Hermes swung his sword at Autumn. Autumn blocked him and dodged an arrow. Spring quietly took aim and shot.

It had enough force to knock the son of Apollo out. Autumn took care of the two and continued.

"I wonder how Perce is doing ?" Leo thought.

Percy stood there in the middle with the flag behind him. He extended his senses at least 30 km around him. No one will be able to sneak up behind him.

He was glowing, blue and white light surrounded him. The snow around him formed spikes.

After waiting for a few minutes, he sensed seven figures hiding in the bushes.

"Stop hiding. I know you're there. " Percy called out to the demigods.

They stepped out into the clearing. He saw their faces, all of them are sons and daughters of Athena, with her in the lead.

Annabeth Chase was right in front of him. He scowled, giving the others his wolf stare.
They all flinched and took a step back.

"Winter,"She pointed her sword at me."Surrender now and you won't be hurt." She added.

Percy scoffed. That stupid bitch didn't know her place. He could have slammed her to the ground with ease and here she is, negotiating.

He drew his daggers and attacked. A son of Athena swung his sword at him but he dodged while kicking another one in the chest.

Annabeth charged at him, swinging her dagger in an attempt to wound him. Percy kept on dodging and kicked her right foot causing her to lose her balance.

Seeing an opening, he flipped her and slammed her to the ground. "Yield," Percy said.

Annabeth made a grab for her drakon sword and tried to slash Percy in the face. He caught her hand and threw her weapon across the forest."Do you yield?"He said again.

The wisdom's daughter brought her hands up begrudgingly."I yield." She spat bitterly.

Percy stood back and sheathed his daggers. Annabeth attempted to escape but he knocked her out along with her siblings, tying her on a tree.

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