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It had been 6 hours since Padmé had gone missing. Anakin was a wreck. They were in the library at the Jedi temple; trying to find information on the intruder that kidnapped Padmé. Suddenly, Anakin's comlink beeped. He answered it.

"Hello." "Hey Ani. I was just wondering when-" "PADMÉ!" "Yeah..." she said slowly. "Where are you?" "On Naboo... with you." she sounded confused. "What?" Anakin asked. "Ok. Tell me exactly what happened last night."

"You came in after a little while. I asked you what happened, and you said it was nothing. You told me Obi Wan told you to take me to Naboo. We went to the Varykino Villa. When we got there, you said you had an errand to run. You left a few hours ago, I was wondering when you would get back." Padmé said.

"Errand?" Obi Wan questioned. "Ahsoka." Anakin said, fear crossing his face. "She's the next target. Obi Wan get to her and keep her safe." He nodded, leaving quickly. "What's going on?" Padmé asked, panic in her voice.

"Ok. Padmé, listen to me. I want you to leave NOW. Go to your parents house and stay there. I'm on my way." "Anakin, what's going on?" "I don't know. All I want is for you to be safe. Call me when you get there." "Ok." Padmé said before she hung up. He smiled slightly. Padmé was safe. Now, he just needed to get to her.

"Obi Wan, are you with Ahsoka?" "Yes. She is safe for now." Obi Wan responded through the comm. "Good."

Authors Note

Re-Reading this chapter, it's sounds a bit confusing. I thought I'd let you know there is a chapter coming up that explains the intruder's plan better.


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