The Sith

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"Master Yoda. May I speak with you." Obi Wan asked. "Come in, you may. Troubled you are, Master Kenobi hmmm?" Yoda inquired. "Yes. need your help with something. Anakin, Ahsoka, and I believe the Chancellor is more than a politician. In fact, he may be a criminal." Obi Wan said. "Think this, Why do you?" he asked. Obi Wan explained Anakin's trouble with the nightmares, Padmé disappearing, and Ahsoka's mission. But Obi Wan was careful not to mention Anakin's secret. They talked a little while longer. Yoda and Obi Wan both meditated on the matter for hours. Finally, they had a conclusion. "A Sith, the Chancellor is. Destroy him, we must." Yoda stated. "How will we do that?" "Speak with the Council, we must." Yoda said. They both went to the Council Chambers.

Yoda had called a meeting. the masters of the Council took their seats. Ahsoka and Anakin stood in the middle. "Called you here, to discuss an important topic. A Sith Lord, the Chancellor is." Yoda announced. "What?!" Anakin and Ahsoka yelled at the same time. The Council was filled with murmurs. "Are you sure?" Mace Windu asked. "Yes. Certain, I am." Yoda stated. "What are we going to do?" Kit Fisto asked. "Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, and Obi Wan, I will take. Arrest the Chancellor, we will. "What about Anakin?" Ahsoka asked. "To weak, his mind is. Go, he will not." With that, the Council left. The selected Jedi went with Yoda to arrest the Chancellor. The War would soon be over.

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