The Babies

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Nine Months Later

The War was officially over. There had been peace for the past 8 and a half months. Padmé found out that they were actually having twins. One boy and one girl. The girl was going to be named Leia and the boy's name was going to be Luke. Ahsoka and Obi Wan where both happy for Anakin and his family to be. Padmé's due date was in three days. Despite her efforts, many senators quickly found out she was pregnant. They constantly questioned Padmé about who the father was. Still, the identity of the father remained secret. Anakin was losing his mind waiting for the babies to arrive. Patience has never been his strong suit. Finally, the day came.

Anakin and Ahsoka were walking through the halls of the Jedi temple. Ahsoka was pestering Anakin with questions about what he would do if the secret got public. He had to silence her multiple times when they passed other Jedi. Suddenly his com-link beeped. "Hello."

"Ani.....the babies.....they're coming." "What? I'm on my way." he responded. This was it. He was about to be a father. He sprinted out of the Temple, Ahsoka at his heels. They got to Padmé's office. She was leaning against the desk, both hands rubbing her stomach. "Padmé are you ok?" Anakin asked, rushing to her side. "I'm alright" she stiffened. "I need to get to a hospital." Anakin helped her out of the Senate Building. She was surrounded by fellow senators, asking if the baby was coming. Eventually, Ahsoka just started pushing people out of the way and clearing a path for Padmé. They needed to get her to a hospital, they didn't have time to deal with politicians and their nosy questions.

When they finally arrived at the hospital, Obi Wan was waiting for them. He got a call from Ahsoka about the situation earlier. Once they got her to a room, Obi Wan and Ahsoka had to wait out side. 9 anxious and painful(for Padmé) hours passed until they were allowed inside. When they entered, they saw Padmé laying on the bed. Her face was pale, and her hair was damp with sweat. She looked exhausted. There was a tiny baby boy asleep in her arms. Anakin was sitting next to her. He was holding a little baby girl. "Ahsoka, Obi Wan, I'd like you to meet Luke and Leia." Padmé said, smiling sweetly. "Awwwwwww. They're so cute." Ahsoka said, walking over to the bed. "Can I hold her?" "Sure. Just be careful." "Anakin, I'm not going to drop your kid." Ahsoka said in her snippy voice. Anakin gently handed Leia to Ahsoka. "Awwwwww." she said Anakin. "Hi Leia. I'm Ahsoka, your dad's Padawan." Anakin smiled at Ahsoka. Pamdé nudged his arm. "What?" "Ask her." Padmé said. "Ask me what?"

"Ahsoka, how would you like to be the godmother of the twins." She smile grew even bigger. "Me? Really?" she asked in disbelief. "Of course Snips. You've always been like a little sister to me, and Padmé." "I'd be honored. Thanks Skyguy." "Obi Wan, would you like to be The godfather?" Padmé asked him, realizing she forgot. "Nothing would make me happier." he replied with a smile. And with that, the Skywalker family was born.

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