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{Karin POV}

"Karin get the fuck in here!" I ran to Marcus as fast as I could into the living room where he sat at. "Yeah?" I asked him. He was sitting in the living room with a bottle of beer in his hand while watching a football game.

"I need another beer." He told me and I walked into the kitchen and looked for the beer case. "Mommy can you play with me?" I looked over at my daughter Cherish.

"Um give me a second okay?" She nodded and ran into her room. I gave Marcus his beer and started playing with Cherish. "Mommy we gonna play tea party with minnie mouse." I smiled and nodded.

"Would you like more tea Minne?" She asked. I smiled as she poured Minne fake tea and poured hers and mine with water.

She then looked up at me. "Mommy what happened to your eye?" I frowned in confusion before remembering Marcus and I got into a huge argument last night and he hit me.

"Oh, its nothing. You know mommy's clumsy." I said with a nervous laugh. Thing is Cherish may be 5 but shes really smart. She can know when your lying and telling the truth.

"Your lying. Daddy hit you." She said and I swallowed. "I heard so in your room. I had a weird dream and wanted to sleep with you and daddy and I heard him yelling at you. Then I heard this."

She slapped her thigh indicating that she heard Marcus hit me. "Auntie Paris says boys can't hit girls or they go to a very bad place." She said and i sighed.

"So is daddy gonna go to that very bad place?" She asked me.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I hate that Cherish knows. I never meant for her to figure that out. "Let's just play okay?" I asked wanting to drop the conversation. She noded and we continue playing tea party.

Later That Day...

"Cherish stop splashing." I frowned and tried to get her stop. She was making a mess and the floor was beginning to be soaked with water. Marcus was gonna flip.

"I'm a mermaid mommy." I laughed but continued trying to get her to stop. After her bath I lotioned her up and put her pajamas on.

After reading a book to her she went to sleep and I started to get into the shower. I washed my body and hair then I got out and looked into the closet for something to wear.

I got dressed in a tank top and sweatpants
Then i laid in the bed and went to sleep.



"Mane what the fuck is this!" My eyes shot open and I instantly shot up. Marcus stomped into the room and i knew he was pissed i just couldn't put my finger on whag exactly.

"What the fuck!" He turned the light on and i saw the muderous look that was on his face.

If looks could kil...

"Cherish, was um playing, in the tub and she was splashing..." I trailed off.

"I don't give a flying fuck what Cherish did. Your the damn mother not her you shouldve cleaned that shit up!"

I don't know what but something in me snapped. "You know what? I'm sick and tired of you shouting at me for everything! Shes a five year old child shes gonna make a damn mess."

"And it's up to you to clean the fuck up after her!" I stood up. "Just like you can clean up after your goddamn self!" I screamed.

"I'm tired of this Marcus. Shes a little fucking girl shes going to make a mess. Every time she makes a mess and I dont clean it you have a fucking problem. I have to stay home and take care of her, shes not easy it gets hard."

Tears welled up into my eyes as they dropped. His eyes softened a little and he tried to hug me. "Get your hands off me." I jerked him away.

"Baby I'm sorry. Your right shes a kid, shes gonna make a mess."

"Oh your just now realizing that?" I rolled my red puffy eyes and sniffled.

"You getting smart?" He asked eyeing me. "So what if I was." I shrugged and laid down. He got on top of me and I pushed him off.

"Stop." I said. "No I said I was fucking sorry why you gotta be so ungrateful?" I really didnt wanna argue with him anymore I had no more energy in me.

He kissed my neck but I wasnt in the mood so I pushed him again. He slapped me hard and I cupped my cheek. I pushed him away from me and I sat up.

He punched my stomach and slapped me. Cherish must have heard because she was in the room.

"Daddy stop hitting mommy." She tried to pull him away but he pushed her and she fell and banged her head against the door.

I stood up and ran to make sure she'd be okay. He pushed me off her and I fell on my side.

"What I tell you about telling me no?" I swallowed and he kicked my stomach again. He kept doing this until I blacked out.

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