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"How am I gonna tell Dave?" I asked freaking out. Paris sat me down and grabbed my hands. "Why are you freaking out? I thought you love Dave." She said.

"I do but what if hes not ready for a kid?" I asked. Dave and I just started dating and we still have things in our relationship that we need to fix, wouldn't a child mess it all up?

"You needa chill. Its gon be okay. Give it time and then tell him." Paris said and I nodded. "Yeah. Okay." I said calming down.

"Trust me, Dave is gonna want this child." She smirked. After spending a few more hours with Paris I went to Dave's house to pick up Cherish.

"Mommy!" Cherish ran up to me and i picked her up. "Wassup Queen." I said kissing her head. "Dave and I had fun." She said and i nodded. "Wheres Kai?" I asked. Usually when I come through the door Cherish and Kairi beats Dave to the door.

"Shes with her mom." Dave said. "You staying the night?" He asked and I took a deep breath.

"I, um. No, I wanna spend a little time with Cherish." I said. He looked at me weirdly before nodding. "Rd see you later?" He asked me and I nodded.

He kissed me and Cherish and I left. I would've stayed but I'm pregnant and I still dont know how to tell him.

I mean it's a little too soon into the relationship we only been together for what a month or two?

I'm just scared he might not want the baby. When I got home I cooked dinner which was chicken nuggets and french fries.

I gave her some and I ate ice cream. "Mommy did you know lying isn't good?" She asked me and I looked at her. "What you mean?" I asked her licking my spoon.

"You lied to Dave." She said and I shook my head. "I do wanna spend time with you." I said. "I know you do but your hiding something." She said and ran to her room.

I swear them 5 years of knowing me and that girl knows when I'm lying, telling the truth and keeping shit from people. It'll just be a matter of time before she finds out I'm pregnant.

I finished my ice cream and took Cherish a bath. "When am I gonna see Grandma again?" She asked referring to my mom. "Uh, how about tomorrow?" I said and she nodded.

I washed her up and then took her out and got her dressed.

"Mama tell me the story about you and Dave." She said and I chuckled.

"Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Karin who met a handsome man named Dave. Karin fell in love with Dave and Dave fell in love with Karin. But Karin held a huge secret that she couldn't tell--"

"Tell me. Mommy we always tell each other secrets." She said and I smiled. "Promise you wont tell?" I asked and she stuck out her pinky.

"Promise." She said and we locked pinkies. I sighed. "I'm about to have a baby." I said and she squealed.

"I'm having another sister!" She yelled and I laughed. "Well ion know if it's a girl yet." I said and her face fell.

"I hope its girl so we can be triplets." She said and I laughed. "Okay time for bed baby." i kissed her head and she kissed my cheek.

I tucked her in and left her room. I went to take a shower and then I got ready for bed.

Two Days Later...

"Don't try to play me, yeah. Tryna be shady, yeah. Real niggas doing real things. On sight everywhere I be. Trippy ass niggas from the d." I sang.

"Riding through your street look at me. I'm a ride through stone face. Only one thing I want to say..." Cherish sang.

"We are not the same hoe, we are not the same. We are not the same hoe, we are not the same. We are not the same hoe, we are not the same. We are not the same hoe, we are not the same." We both sang and I laughed.

I then pulled into the parking lot of Cherish's school. She grabbed her bookbag off the floor, hoped out the back and opened the front door.

"Bye mommy, have fun at work." She said kissing me. "Have fun at school queen." I kissed her cheek. She ran to her teacher and I waved before driving off.

I made my way to my new store. I already got my workers and everything I needed. But when I have free time on my hands I come stop by.

"Hey Karin." My favorite employee, Layla hugged me. "Hey Lay, how's everything?" I asked her putting my purse on the counter next to the cash register.

"Everythings good so far." She said and I nodded. "Well tell me if anything happens." I went to my office where there was a stack of money.

I counted the money. I had one grand since last week. I put the money in the safe and checked on some other stuff.


I'm like,woah that's a thot. No strings attached but she want shit from me."

I had my phone in my back pocket and it started vibrating. I turned my music on and answered. "Wassup J." I said blowing out smoke. "You needed at the trap." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm done with that life Jordan." I said smoking my blunt.

"But you can't forget yo dad left you in charge of this. Just because you think you left this life don't mean you did. We really need you." I sighed.

"I'll be there." I hung up and left to head to the trap. When I was 14 I joined my father's gang, Blu Smoke. He admired the crips but ain't wanna join em so he made his own.

When I turned 16 my dad left the gang to me and I wanted it. I loved it. Years later Millie got pregnant with Kairi so I left and I promised my daughter in that hospital I wouldn't go back.

And I broke a promise I made to my daughter for the very first time and that shit hurt like hell.

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