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As soon as I had woke up, I jumped up and ran to the bathroom puking out every little thing I had left in my stomach. Dave who must've heard me get up ran after me and held my hair back so I wouldn't get any throw up on it or it wouldn't get into the toilet. My stomach began to hurt as I heaved out everything in it til there was nothing.

"You good?" He had asked me, I nodded since I felt alright a little.  "My head hurts." He helped me back to bed where I laid back down. "Ima get you some tea." I nodded and put my face in my pillow.

My stomach had hurt so fucking much, it felt like someone was repeatedly beating me in my stomach. My throat had started to feel sore due to my puking, after I cried for a little bit of time I finally went to sleep.


I ran upstairs with tea and Pepto Bismol. When I got in the room she was asleep and I put the stuff on the table till she woke up.
I put on a pair of pants and went downstairs to start in breakfast, I winded up making me and the girls some cereal since Karin was the big chef mostly.

"Dave can we go out today?" Cherish asked and I nodded. Karin isn't feeling well and I want her to sleep so taking them to the park will do.

I ran upstairs and took a shower then got dressed.

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Liked by Lilbackwood and 89,798 others.
daveeast: I'm not lookin for ha cause shes gone
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Millie_Mill: bae whenever yhu done wit yo lil toy I'm here 😘
Lilbackwood: so tell all the girls the bottles on us now I see y Karin want yo ass 😍

Afterwards I got the two girls dressed.

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daveeast: Finna take my two girls out
View all 9,930 comments awe they lookin so cute rn 😍
Unharmed_.Jayden: my two beautiful nieces
Millie_Mill: y yhu keep posting that lil girl shes not yo fuckin daughter tf

I took the girls to the park and they played and I texted Karin.

Me: yhu feelin any better??
BabyK: a little, my stomach still hurts like hell but my head stopped hurtin
Me: rd yhu need anything??
BabyK: Pads. It says Always Max
Me: um sure.
BabyK: thanks love you ❤
Me: love you more 💕

After spending another two hours longer at the park me and the girls went to the store to buy karen some pads, I picked up a random pack however Cherish had stopped me.

"Its these." Cherish handed me a huge pack of pads. "How you know?" I asked her. She put her hand on her hip. "My mommy told me and I always see her with those in her room. And her flow is heavy so you gonna have to buy three." She said handing me two more.

I chuckled and since I was here I also got her some chocolates, chips and other snacks. I got the two girls two bags of candy each. Once I had paid for everything I got the girls into the car and we drove home.

When I finally got home Karin was in her pajamas and she still looked beautiful although she had bags under her eyes.

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Liked by Unharmed_.Jayden and 88,990 others.
daveeast: my baby dont feel good buh still lookin good 😍
View all 1,789 comments
Millie_Mill: yhu not gon post me buh yhu gon post dat hoe 🙄
Unharmed_.Jayden: get better sis ima call her

I gave her the bag full of pads and sweets. "You on yo period?" I asked her but she shook her head. "Three days I will be." She said taking the bag and eating the chocolate. She sat down and watched tv and I sat beside her.

"Yo stomach still hurtin?" I asked her and she shrugged. "It hurts every now and then." She said and I nodded.

Three Weeks Later....

Its been three weeks and I still get sick every now and then. I missed my period but I dismissed it since I was sick and my flow is so much lighter when I'm sick.

"girl you pregnant?" Paris asked and I rolled my eyes. "Not possible. I'm on the pill."  I said stuffing my face with cake. Paris and I went food shopping for her house and she bought me a cake for whatever reason.

"Well you eatin like you ain't never eat befo." She said chuckling and I shrugged. Since I've been getting sick I have thought that maybe I was pregnant, but I'm on the pill so it's not possible.

After eating the whole cake I went to sleep on her couch.

Hours Later....

I was woken up by a box hitting my head. I shot up and was ready to fuckin fight. "What the fuck!" I yelled. Paris rolled her eyes.

I scoffed and picked up the box which was a pregnancy test. "I'm not pregnant." I said throwing the box back at her. "Dave said to take it." She threw it back at me.

I kissed my teeth and went to the bathroom after I peed on the stick I gave it to Paris. "Funny how when Dave says sum shit you do it." She said chuckling.

"He never told you." She said and I mugged the livin shit outta her. She laughed but her laughter was cut short. I rolled my eyes. "Told you." I mumbled and she threw it at me.

I mugged her and looked at it. The words made my breathing stop and I panicked.


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