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"I got a location." Jordan told me. I looked at the address, 7890 Fairview Street. "Let's go." I made sure my strap was on me and I made my way to the house.

When I got there I knocked on the door and a lady that looked to be in her late 50's.

"Yes?" She asked. "Is Marcus Davis here?" I asked politely. "Oh Karins boyfriend. I'm her mother but no he left yesterday." I face palmed.

"Wait you Karins mom?" Jordan asked and she nodded. We all went into her house and explained everything that was going on. "So we are gonna have to take you to Dave's house." Jordan said.

"I want to go to my daughter's house. I haven't seen her in forever." She said. "I'm her boyfriend shes at my house. Her and Cherish." After she packed we all made our way to my house.




"Mom!" Karin ran to her mother's arms and they cried. "I haven't seen you in so long." Her mother said. "I missed you so much." She hugged her and Cherish ran out her room.

"Nana!" She hugged her grandma and the three of them just cried while holding each other. I snapped a picture.

"I'm Chanel, Dave's mother." My mom introduced herself. "I'm Nyasia, but just call me Ny."

Her mom was beautiful indeed.
"This is my daughter Kairi. Kairi this is--"
"Karins mama I know. Are you my grandma too?" She asked.

"Of course Kai. My family is now your family." Cherish said Kairi smiled a toothy smile.

"Well Nyasia you can sleep in the guest room. Karin will show you." After Karin and her mom went to the guest room I went to my room.

"Hey you good?" Karin asked me. "Yeah." I sat on the bed and she sat beside me. "Don't worry. Marcus is all talk." She said.

She started rubbing my shoulders and I pulled her into my lap. "I just don't want him doing anything to you." I said and she smiled at me.

"Don't worry about me." She kissed me and I kissed her back. "Foods ready mommy." Cherish said and Karin told her okay.

We went downstairs and food instantly hit my nostrils. Karin went to the kitchen and made her a plate and I made one too.

We sat down at the table and ate. It was Fish and Salad. "Cherish hows school?" Nyasia asked she shrugged. "Its okay I guess." She said and I looked at Karin who looked at me.

"Um Little butt, what you mean? You love school." I said. She kept her eyes on her food pouring dressing on her salad.

"Not anymore." She mumbled. "Queen what you mean?" Karin asked. "Nevermind. Can we drop it please?" She looked up at all of us.

"No, if you dont tell I will." Kairi spoke up. "What's up Kai?" My mom asked. Kairi looked at Cherish who mugged her. "Cherish is being bullied at school because she doesnt have her real dad." Kairi said not looking away from Cherish.

"Babygirl why you ain't just say that?" My mom asked. "Its embarrassing. Mama says if anyone teases you to hit them but.." she trailed off. "But what?" Me and Karin asked at the sametime.

Cherish had tears in her eyes. "I like a boy and he says not to hit them." She said and cried harder.

"Then Chelsea said Jamir will never like me because a pretty girl has to have both parents. Then they call me a brat because I get what I want." She cried and Karin held her.

"Hey it's okay." She cooed and Cherish hugged her. "Mommy am I pretty?" Cherish asked her with tears in her eyes.

"No baby your beautiful. Just like a Queen should be." Karin said Cherish cracked a smile. "I wish Kairi could go with me." She said.

"Yeah and we'd kick they butt." She said and we chuckled.

"Uh was I talking to you? I don't think so." Cherish spat and that shocked us all.

Ever since they met Kairi and Cherish never argued. "Who are you talking to? Because it surely ain't me."

I saw Ny recording this while I was fucking shocked. "Uh I think I am talking to you. You better shut yo mouth before I shut it for you. You will be an example to those girls. Say another word."

Kairi smirked. "Another word."

Cherish jumped out of her chair faster than ion know what and they started fighting on the floor. Well, more like yelling at each other and going in a circle.

We laughed for a long ass time before breaking them apart. Thank fully neither of them was hurt.

"Wow you can hit me but you can't hit them girls at school. Scary little girl." Kairi taunted and tried to get out of my grasp.

"I'll show you scary." Nobody was helping as the girls yelled and argued at each other. I mean this shit was funny as hell.

Everyone was laughing. "Come on then you little punk." Kairi tried to  break out my grasp, somehow she did and tackled Cherish to the floor.

"You stupid girl." Cherish said. "Scary girl. You scared of the outside." Kairi said and I laughed with everyone else. After everyone's laughter died down we just looked at them two still going on a circle on the floor.

They looked tired as they traded insults.

"Ima show you scary." Cherish yawned. "Least I gotta dad." Kairi yawned. They continued trading insults before Kairi passed out. I picked them up and put them to bed.

A/N: This chapter was boring 😴 But it was just a filler.

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