S I X T E E N ✅

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"I'd like to say that we gave it a try. I like to blame it all on life. Maybe we just weren't right, but that's a lie, that's a lie.
And we can deny it as much as we want, but in time our feelings will show.
Cause sooner or later, we'll wonder why we gave up. The truth is everybody knows, almost, almost is never enough."

Almost is never enough, by Ariana Grande blasted through my tv as I curled in a ball on my bed and silently cried. I almost fell in love. I almost felt loved.

I was almost happy. "Girl if you don't get your depressed ass up!" I heard Paris shout and I swear to god I thought I was tripping.

"Paris? How the fuck you get in here?" I asked sitting up and turning the TV down.

"I have my ways. Girl dont worry about Dave or Marcus. But your not finna lay in bed all damn day crying and listening to fucking heartbroken songs." I rolled my eyes.

"But I am heartbroken." I said and I closed my eyes. "Girl, its gonna be okay." She hugged me and I cried on her shoulder.

I love Dave. But now I wont be able to ever get him back.

"Let's go out with Cherish and get your mind off of Dave." I nodded and got into the shower. After I got out I got dressed.

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After taking some pictures we left for the mall where we bought some stuff for Cherish. I didnt know her attitude was slowly coming out from us shopping nearly all day until I heard her talking.

"Um, excuse me but why are you staring at me?" Cherish had her hand on her hip and looked at the lady with her head cocked. The lady looked taken aback.

"I- Your mother must not teach you manners." She said and Cherish scoffed. "Yo mama must not teach you no manners because its rude to stare at people. Like I know I'm cute but you don't gotta stare." Cherish rolled her eyes and waited for the lady to leave but she continued to stare.

"I asked you nicely now I'm not. Stop staring at me before I get my mom and my auntie and I dont think you want me to do that so turn around lady and stop staring at me."

The lady gasped. "You little bi--" Paris and I stepped out next to Cherish.

"You wanna call my daughter another fucking bitch?" I asked mugging her. "Well I see where she got her disrespect from." She said looking me up and down.

"Uh how she being disrespectful when you just called a little ass girl a bitch? Cause she not ina good mood and she can beat yo ass if you got some other shit to say." Paris said.

The lady backed off and we finished buying our stuff and got some food.

"Mommy I'm sorry but she was staring and it was rude. She the one that got all nasty, I asked her nicely one time and I wasn't about to repeat myself." Cherish said eating her French fries.

I smiled. "Its okay just don't be all sassy." I said and she nodded. "When are we gonna see my daddy?" My mind drifted to Dave.

"You wanna see Dave?" I asked drinking my soda. "No my real daddy." She said and before I could speak I heard a voice I thought I'd never hear again.

"How about now?"

Love And CherishWhere stories live. Discover now