S I X ✅

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1 month later...

Over the weeks Karin and I got closer but our daughters were closer than ever. They soon started calling each other sisters. I dropped my song and had Kairi in it too. She opened up the song.

Karin came over my house with Cherish sometimes but Cherish was mostly always at my house. I think Karin allowed it because Cherish could finally get away from her dad and all the abuse, honestly i wish Karen would try and get away too.

Today Karin came over and we talked for a little while but now shes in the shower and the girls are asleep.

Karin told me her dream was to open up her very own clothing store and since I have more time on my hands I've been making that dream come true.

I found a empty store for sale and I bought it all I have to do is figure out where to get her clothes from and she can do the prices and shit. She never left Marcus even though I encouraged her to leave him.

I kinda like Karin. Shes cute and has a lot going for her. "Dave." Cherish calls my name while running into my room.

"What's up little butt?" I asked her. "Ew dont call me that and I'm hungry." I laughed and made her and Kairi a fruit bowl.

"Thanks daddy." They said in unison and ran into Kairi's room. I was caught off guard with Cherish calling me daddy. It was a shock but hey i guess im just that nigga.

I went back to the room to see Karin fully dressed laying down and I laid beside her. "Cherish called me daddy." I said and she smiled. "She really does like you. She told me she even loves you. I mean she never told her own father she loved him so she must really look up to you." She said and I smiled.

"Yeah. Kairi likes you too. She's always talkin about you to other people, especially my mom." I chuckled thinking about every fantasy she done told my mom. Karin looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. I then closed the distance between us.

Her lips were so soft and they felt good on mines. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and I hovered above her not breaking the kiss.

We were so into the kiss we didn't hear the girls walk into the room until I heard giggles and whispers. I moved off Karin and looked at the girls.

They stopped giggling and whispering and looked at me. "RUN!" They ran out the room and I chased them. When I caught up to them I tickled the living shit outta them.

"Sorry daddy, we wont snoop anymore." Cherish said. "Yeah." I finally stopped and they laid there. "Yall are just..." I shook my head laughing. "Let's go play princess while mommy and daddy play house." Kairi said and my jaw dropped.

That little girl... "Play house?" Karin said with an amused expression on her face. I walked up towards her and gripped her waist. "Her vocabulary is very..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

She chuckled. "Cherish is the same way. She called me mommy." She said with a smile. I hugged her close and she put her arms around my neck.

I really do think I love this girl and her daughter. We were meant to be a family. I just know it.


Dave headed to work at his strip club called The Sugar Daddys. I stayed at his house with the two girls. They were taking a nap and I was going through Instagram when someone knocked on his door.

I knew I didnt have much of a right to answer it but the knocks soon came to bangs. Whoever it was kept banging on the door so I opened it. It revealed some girl.

"Where the fuck Dave at?" She asked looking me up and down

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"Where the fuck Dave at?" She asked looking me up and down. "Hes at work. Who you?" I asked. "Names Julissa. When you see his dumbass tell him I said to return my fucking calls, but I can see why. Fucking with a hoe." She said.

"Who you calling a hoe?" I asked her. "You." I wanted to beat her ass. I knew he was too good to be fucking true.

"Listen I think yo lil skanky ass betta leave before I fuck yo shit up." I threatened. She rolled her eyes. "Touch me bitch. I guarantee you ima beat ya ass." I was ready to fight so I stepped outside.

"Julissa the fuck you doing here?" Dave came running up to her. "Why the fuck you ain't answer your fucking phone? Ain't no hoe more important than what I gotta tell you."

I went into the house and packed my clothes up leaving them outside to argue. Marcus was outta town for three weeks and Cherish wanted to stay with Dave so I tagged along with her.

But now, hell no I'm leaving. "Karin where the fuck you going?" He said walking into the room. "I'm leaving." I said and he grabbed my bag. "No Julissa ain't no fucking body." He yelled.

"She ain't nobody then why the fuck she at your door. I dont got time for you and your dirty ass hoes I just fucking dont. Then this bitch got the nerve to call me a hoe when she look like ha face got hit a truck." I rolled my eyes. "Give me my bag."

"No because if I do you gon leave. Karin stay you finally gettin away from yo crazy ass boyfriend." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hes not fucking crazy." I said. "Right just abusive so abusive your own daughter doesnt wanna go home with you." He said.

"Its none of your goddamn business." I said snatching my bag. He raised his hand probably to grab my bag but I thought he was gonna slap me so I flinched. The room went quiet as we looked at each other.

"I wasnt gonna hit you." He said softly and quietly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He sat on the bed. "That nigga fucked you up." He said and I sat down too.

"Stay, Julissa ain't no threat. You could finally get away from him." I looked at Dave. This could finally be my getaway. For Cherish to be happy. For me to be happy again.

"The rest of my stuff is still there." I said. "We can get them. I could drop the girls off at my mom's and we could get the rest of yall stuff. He wont know your here." Tears welled up in my eyes and he hugged me.

He was just too good to be true.

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