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Dave's POV

"Dave where you going?" I looked at the girl I had just fucked. I dont remember her name but I also dont care. "I gotta get to my daughter." I said putting my shirt over my head.

"She can wait." She bit her lip and I looked at her like she was crazy. "Nah she cant." I grabbed my phone and left the house. I got into my red Audi RS7 and drove to my baby moms house, Millie Colon.

My phone started ringing and I saw it was Millie. "What?" I answered. "Damn what's with all the hostility?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "I'm on my way to pick up Kairi." I said while stopping at a red light.

"Good because she ran out of diapers." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Shes 4 years old. She doesnt wear fucking diapers." I said annoyed. "Oh well she pisses the bed."

"I'm almost there." I growled and ended the call. 20 minutes later I pulled up to her house.

I banged on the door. I'm not tryna be rude but Millies a little hoe. She tries to fuck everytime I drop Kairi off or pick her back up. So if I turn unfriendly towards her hopefully she'd stop and we can do this professionally.

"Hey Dave." She bites on her lip and I roll my eyes. "Wheres my daughter?" I asked walking past her. "Daddy!" I picked her up and kissed on her cheek.

"Hey baby girl. Did you have fun with mommy?" She nodded. "Yeah we went to the pool and everything." I smiled at her. "Go get your stuff." She jumped out my arms and ran upstairs.

"Listen we should talk." She said and i sighed. "About?" I asked her.

"I think Kairi should live with me instead." I looked at her like she was crazy. "Hell no. Your barely a mother as it is. Everytime I drop Kairi off and i get her on Sunday, at home she claims you drop her off at other people's houses. So you think I'm really gonna allow my daughter to live with you? Your out of your fucking mind."

"But Dave I changed I'm a better mom now and--"

"Last weekend you left her at your mom's until Sunday." That shut her ass up real quick.

"Your making me feel like you have someone else." She pouted. "So the fuck what. I can be with whoever the fuck I want. There is no more us." I said motioning between us.

"Daddy grandma bought me a new Unicorn." I gave Millie a look and went to my daughter. "How long was you with grandma?" I asked taking her bags and Unicorn. "Well when you left me with mommy we visited Grandma and then I just came home yesterday night." I sighed.

"Let's go home. I wanna take you out." She smiled and she hugged Millie. "Bye mommy." She ran outside and I walked behind her putting everything into the car and driving off.

I bought her some ice cream then we went home. "Dada, can you play with me?"

"Uh sure." She ran to her room and I put her clothes into her room and played with her for a little while.

After playing with her I checked on my phone. I had two missed calls from my best friend Jordan.

His rapper name was Lil Backwood because that's mostly what he smoked.

I called him back. "Waddup Dave." He exhaled so I'm guessing hes smoking. "Nah my bad I was playin with Kairi and lost track of time." He nodded. "Its all good. But I just wanted to call and ask when your gonna decide to make another song or whatever."

I walked into my room and shut my door. "Since this the last song of my album I wanted to write it based on Kairi."

"That's wassup. How's lil mama anyway?" I chuckled at the nickname. "She good. I'm Just tired of ha momma." He laughed. "Man Millie is hot. Ion know why you left her she hadda give good pussy."

I rolled my eyes. "J I'm not finna talk about this with you." I said and he laughed. We talked in the phone a little more before I hung up and ordered pizza for Kairi.

"Daddy I don't mind it just being me and you. But when you gonna get a girlfriend. I'm tired of mommy and want a new one." I almost choked on my pizza.

"Kairi you still being hot in the mouth I see." She shrugged. "But daddy don't want no other girlfriend. All I want is you." She rolled her eyes at me.

"But what about what I want?" She frowned at me. I chuckled. "What you want?" I asked her. "A new mommy." I smiled at her. "Fine I'll get you a new mommy."

"Promise?" She held out her pinky. "Promise." We locked pinkies together and she smiled and ate the rest of her pizza. Damn even she getting tired of her mothers shit.

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