N I N E T E E N ✅

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"Rise and shine hoe!" Paris yelled opening the curtains. I put my arm over my eyes and groaned. "Paris shut the hell up and close them shits." I said going under the blanket.

My head was pounding it felt like a thousand people were inside of it blasting music through my fucking skull and Paris wasnt making it any easier.

"No fuckin way. It's time to get up." How she doesnt have a hangover? I have no damn idea. I then realized I was in my house.

"How the hell we get here?" I mumbled under the covers. I heard Paris moving around and then the bed dipped.

"Dave was here not long ago. Said he got us here and stayed the night. I told him he could leave and he left but without checkin on you first." She explained.

"Cool." I mumbled and tried to sleep. "Jayden called and said hes being Cherish back in exactly one hour, so get the fuck up." I groaned.

"What time is it?" I asked her. "2:35." She said. "I'm making you something to eat and in the meantime, take a shower you reek of throw up." She said and left. After debating with myself for a while I got out of bed and took a long bubble bath.

It helped the headache a little bit and soon after I got dressed for the day.

Liked by daveeast and 79,776 othersKarinJinsui: I look like I'm chillin buh I'm suffering 😔View all 690 comments daveeast: from yo hangover 😭Saucy_

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Liked by daveeast and 79,776 others
KarinJinsui: I look like I'm chillin buh I'm suffering 😔
View all 690 comments
daveeast: from yo hangover 😭
Saucy_.marcus: yhu gon be fine 😌
Random: saw yhu at the party last nite 🤣 yo ass was TRASHED 😭

I walked downstairs and I was instantly hit with the smell of French toast.

"Eat up." Paris put a plate of Scrambled eggs, Bacon and French Toast in front of me and then gave me a cup of coffee.

"Damn girl. Thanks." I said pouring syrup on my food. "Welcome." She said then sat down and began eating.

I started eating my french toast when she spoke up. "you and Dave back together?" Paris asked and I rolled my eyes. "We never dated. We were only--"

"Friends. Yeah, whatever." She said I chuckled. "I'm serious. But during the party we made up." I said eating a egg.

"When yall gon officially date?" She asked and I shrugged. "Not sure." I replied.

After we ate Paris headed home and I started watching Netflix when the doorbell rang.

I got up and opened it expecting to see Jayden but saw Dave instead. "Wassup ma." He said letting himself in. I rolled my eyes and shut the door.

"What you want?" I asked. My period was on it's way.

"Damn I thought we was cool. Now you bein all cold n shit." He said sitting on the couch and I rolled my eyes.

"Keep rollin them motherfuckers they gon get stuck." I rolled my eyes again just to be smart and sat next to him on the couch.

My headache was fading but my head felt numb. "Hows ya hangover?" He asked and I shrugged. "Karin what's wrong wit you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing." I dont know why I was in such a foul mood but I was.

He kept quiet and I watched TV. "Karin." He said and I hummed.

"I'm really sorry about keepin shit from you. I'm not gonna do it anymore." He said and I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Okay." I said and he was silent. "I mean it." I looked at him. "I said its okay." I said and he smiled then kissed me.


t felt like time had stopped when his lips landed on mine. I felt butterflies in my stomach and the air turned hot. It was like my first kiss all over again. Sure I did kiss him before but this kiss was something else.

I could feel all his emotions into the kiss and I knew he was gonna keep his promise to not keep anything else away from me.

When his tongue slipped in I felt the huge surge of need and want. I wanted and needed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

I sat on top of him so that I was straddling him and the kiss was never broken.

He stood up and we walked to my bedroom where he softly laid me down on the bed. He broke the kiss and slipped off my shorts and panties and did his job.

He licked me up and down and I moaned in response. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it would jump out.

After I was pretty wet he slipped his finger inside and i gasped, gripping the sheets. He pumped in and out slow at first then he went faster and I moaned louder.

"D-Dave...I-im gonna c-cum!" I yelled and gripped the sheets.

"Come for me ma." And instantly I came. I started panting thinking it was over but by his looks it was far from over.

My chest heaved up and down as he licked his lips and started kissing me. I kissed back taking his shirt off and he took mine off.

After we shed unwanted clothing he kissed my neck. He started licking my neck then started kissing and sucking until he found my soft spot near my collarbone.

He kept sucking and I moaned as he left a hickey. He grabbed one of my boobs with one hand and started sucking and kissing on the other.

To say I felt good was an understatement. It felt so damn good I couldn't even put it into words.

He rubbed his dick on my pussy teasing me and I couldn't fucking take it. I mugged him as he chuckled then put him into me.

I moaned louder than I ever had before. He was fucking big and he went in and out and I went fucking crazy.

He kissd me and continued to fuck me. "D-Dave I'm about to cum." I moaned.

"Hold it in for me ma." He said and I clenched my eyes shut moaning.

"I c-can't." I moaned. Why does guys even want us to hold in our cum? Like nigga I said I gotta cum so fuckin let me.

After he released inside me I came too. He collapsed beside me and i tried to catch my breath. He gave the best sex in the world, like that was the best dick I've had in a long ass time.

A/N: Writing that sex scene was so damn hard and slightly embarrassing 😳😭
I hoped yall liked it tho.

Right now I right about have writers block so comment on what I should do next in the book because ion know what.


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