F I F T E E N ✅

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Two Weeks Later....

"Did you unpack all your toys?" I asked Cherish and she nodded. "I cant reach the closet pole thing." She said and I nodded. "Dont worry about it." I told her, she nodded and ran to her room.

Last week I found a house. It's not big but it's not small. Theres four bedrooms, four bathrooms, one on each floor, a kitchen and living room.

In my bedroom I have an en suite and so does Cherish. Smiling I lay on my bed. All my life I've always wanted a place of my own. I was so tired of living with people.

I felt bad for leaving Kairi it broke my heart when I left.

"Do you have to go?" Kairi asked me and I hugged her. "Yea, me and daddy aren't in good terms." I said and a tear fell from her eye. "Hey, don't cry. Its gonna be okay." I said and hugged her. I cried a little but tried not to let her see.
I had to be strong for her. "Can I visit you and Cherish?" I nodded. "Any day. I  gotta go." I said and kissed her forehead. "I love you." She kissed my cheek. "I love you too." I looked at Dave one last time and I left.

I'll never forget that look on his face. He was pained and regretted it. Maybe I was so broken, I was beyond repair. Maybe I wasnt good enough for any man.

But I also ain't need no man. But I fell in love with Dave. I curled into a ball on my bed and silently cried.

People think walking away is easy, it can be. But when you have to walk away from someone you love is ten times harder. Walking away from Marcus was hard for me, despite all the shit he put me through.

I sniffled and hugged my pillow. I miss him but...he played me.


Kairi hasn't spoken to me since Karin left. When she left she threw a fit and hasn't spoken to me since.

"THIS ALL YOUR FAULT! DADDY YOU MESS UP EVERYTHING!" She screamed. I was shocked. She never yelled at me. Let alone be angry at me and that's how I knew I messed up big time.

"No! You did this, you made her leave. I don't ever want to talk to you again." She ran to her room and slammed the door. When I went to apologize to her I heard her crying. "I want Kawin." I opened the door and she was hugging a teddy bear she bought her.

"I'm sorry." I said. "I DON'T CARE! GET.  OUT!" She yelled and I closed the door regretting everything I did wrong. Not only did I lose the love of my life, I lost my daughter too.

When she looks at me it's only to mean mug me, for dinner she takes her food in her room and stays in there all day.

She takes her baths on her own and gets dressed on her own now.

I never meant to hurt her, neither did I mean to hurt Karin. It just happened.

"Dave. Earth to Dave!" My mom waved her hands in my face to get  my attention.

"You okay?" I shook my head. "Remember that girl, Karin?" She nodded. "Never met her yet, Kairi talkes highly about her though."

"Yea well she left me." I said and she looked at me. "What you do?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I let a girl give me head and I accused her of sleeping around." I said looking at the floor.

"Is she?" My head snapped up.
"Yeah....No...Maybe...fuck I dont know." I said putting my head in between my legs. "Okay...why do you think she slept around?"

So I told her about Hawaii and the club and the guy and the shade room.

My mom shook her head when I finished telling her. "She isn't sleeping around." She said. "I just know shes not. If she was sleeping around in Hawaii, why would she answer the phone? She would've been at his hotel instead." My mom said and I shrugged.

"When Karin packed her shit and left Kairi hasn't spoken to me. She's been with Millie more." Kairi has been at Millie's house for a week.

"Listen just give her time and space and everything will heal on it's own. She'll come around." I nodded and thought about it.

"Kairi will soon be fine. Karin was the closest thing she's ever had to a mom so she's gonna take it hard. Give it time." She said and I hoped that time and space would bring Karin back to me.

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